Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Local Ladies Prepare to Party

WAITSBURG – The Blue Mountain Sweet Ade- lines Chorus is hard at work putting the final touches on music and choreography for their annual concert to take place at 7 p.m. on Oct. 25 and Oct. 26 at the WWCC Performing Arts Center. This year’s concert is titled, Sweet! It’s Mardi Gras! and five local ladies hope to see you there.

Barb Knopp, Marilyn Johnson, Vanessa (Johnson) Leamy, Margaret Terry, of Waitsburg and Jan Nealey of Dayton, sing the praises (literally) of Sweet Adelines and speak fondly of the sisterhood they’ve found in the Blue Mountain Chorus.

Barb Knopp is the self- appointed local “recruiter” and has been a part of the Blue Mountain Chorus for 22 years. Prior to moving to Waitsburg, Knopp sang with the Colville group after learning of them in a news- paper classified ad. At that time, she had just moved from Coulee City, her kids were out of the house and Knopp was temporarily without a job. “I took ad- vantage of the opportunity to do something I’d always wanted to do,” said Knopp.

Knopp’s first public per- formance was at age three when she sang “Froggy Went a Courtin’” at her uncle’s graduation. Though Knopp doesn’t recall that specific performance she does know she’s always loved to sing. “Being a part of the Sweet Adelines is just fun,” said Knopp. “It really gets you out of your comfort zone.”

Jan Nealey of Dayton says she has been with the group for at least 15 years, “maybe longer.” Nealey has always enjoyed barbershop music and participating in Sweet Adelines is a treat she allowed herself, “once my kids got to where I could do something for me.”

While Nealey loves the music she says the people are what she enjoys most. “About eight years ago I was diagnosed with breast cancer and those ladies rallied around me in ways that were absolutely unbelievable,” said Nealey. “I had to take a break for awhile, but as soon as I could, I was right back in it. They are wonderful, loyal friends.”

Mother/daughter duo Marilyn Johnson and Van- essa Leamy agree. “I just love all the sisters!” said Johnson who has been part of the group since 2001. Leamy joined after moving to Waitsburg in 2007. Both are lifelong singers and grew up with music playing a large role in their family culture.

“I also do it because it’s healthy,” said Johnson. “To sing well you must learn to breathe properly. Your body becomes the instrument and you use the strength from your core.” Interestingly enough, three of the five local members – Johnson, Leamy and Terry – have all had careers in nursing.

Margaret Terry, joined last year after being “discov- ered” by Knopp while singing alongside her husband, Dr. Kyle Terry, at Waits- burg’s Fall Festival. “I love to harmonize,” said Terry, who doesn’t consider herself an “up-front” person. Terry, who’s parents met while per- forming light opera, grew up with music as well, though she turned her focus to band in high school rather than chorus.

She has already been requested to serve as sec- tion leader for the baritones and is enjoying the group immensely. “It’s a wonder- ful excuse for women to wear make-up and bling and dance and sing!” said Terry, who helps with costuming as well.

The Blue Mountain Chorus of Sweet Adelines was chartered in 1974 and is directed by Darlene Filla, a veteran musician who re- cently received her 50 year pin. The acapella chorus – not to be confused with a choir – is made up of about 25 women who range in age from their 20’s to one in her 80’s. “It’s a good mix,” said Knopp.

Sweet Adelines choruses sing in the barbershop style, which emphasizes harmoni- zation. All music is arranged by the Sweet Adelines Asso- ciation, and choruses around the world sing in English, regardless of their native tongue. “It’s fun to hear the different interpretations,” said Knopp.

The local chorus per- forms one large concert each year, as well as many smaller events. The group also at- tends a regional competition, at which they took second place this year, receiving the highest number of points ever earned by the Blue Mountain Chorus.

This year’s concert fea- tures Mardi Gras and New Orleans inspired songs and “incorporates traditional barbershop four part har- mony and talented local performers for a fast paced, fun, lively and memorable evening.”

The performance features the chorus, quartets, and several guest musicians, in- cluding Cougar Henderson, Shauna Fletcher and Kevin and Nathan Loomer. “It’s a nice mix of comedy, bar- bershop, solos and ballads,” said Knopp. Proceeds from the event help cover the costs of performances as well as defray the travel expenses of attending contests. Visit for ticket info.

Anyone who enjoys sing- ing is encouraged to visit a Monday night practice. Many local children, teens and community members have performed with the Sweet Adelines over the years, even if they haven’t become members. For more information contact any Sweet Adelines member or call Barb Knopp at 386- 8901 or email her at

Local Current and Past Members (compiled by Barb Knopp)

Current Local Members:

Marilyn Johnson (bass)

Vanessa Leamy (tenor)

Margaret Terry (baritone)

Jan Nealey (baritone)

Barb Knopp (baritone)

Past Members:

B.J. Christensen (lead)

Lynn Mantz Powers(baritone)

Jane Butler (bass)

Ashley Johnson (bass)

Cindy Blair (lead)

Sandy Nogle (baritone)

Local Non-member Performers:

Troublemakers: JohnHockersmith, Austin andZach Beasley, Chris and Nick Carpenter and WillGarcia, Mike Ferrians, Chloe Pearson, Robbie Johnson, Cougar Henderson, David Philbrook, Robin Hogan, Gary Bowles, Jennifer Nichols, Maddy Witt, Cheyenne Frohereich, Sarah Paul


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