WAITSBURG - Waits- burg City Council Members are: K.C. Kuykendall, Marty Dunn, Kevin House, Karl Newell, Debra Callahan and Mayor Walt Gobel.
Reviewed 2014 Budget Summary. Automating ir- rigation at City Park and Cemetery to be priorities.
Approved Resolution 2013-625 AWC to partici- pate in Association of Wash- ington Cities self-insurance program.
Reviewed Flood Re- sponse Plan. Marty Dunn noted a large Cottonwood in the creek near Main Street Bridge. City Clerk to check on removal.
Approved ordinance 2013-1013 Budget Amend- ment regarding the handling of excess revenues.
Approval for a proposed baler building was rejected as being too expensive. A deposit had already been placed and Council requested City Clerk to see if it can be refunded.
Approved draft of letter by City Clerk alerting citizens to possible water rate increase and seeking input at the next Council meeting.
The City will wait until spring to pull a broken well pump to determine what the issue is. Sidewalk repairs and painting at fairgrounds projects will be put on hold until spring as well.
The back door of City Hall is in need of repair or replacement. Replacement estimates are approximately $4300 for the door and three windows.
Student representative Meara Baker reported that the High School National Honor Society is willing to survey and record sidewalks in need of repair.
Callahan noted that Prescription Take-Back day is Oct. 26 and that the Fire Station will be handing out candy on Oct. 31.
Mayor Walt Gobel will be gone for three months on a tour of the U.S. Marty Dunn will preside over council meetings in his absence.
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