WAITSBURG - Waitsburg School Board Members are: Ross Hamann, Christy House, Marilyn Johnson, Randy Pearson and Greg Zuger. Hamman and Johnson were absent.
Middle and High School ASB Officers presented re- ports. High School Officers shared about the anti-bullying campaign they are sponsor- ing.
Transportation and Fa- cilities Supervisor presented updated estimate on removal of large tree causing repeated damage during windstorms to school-owned home adjacent to middle school. Original estimate was $600 and actual came in at $2000 because of the size of the tree. Board approved to move forward with removal as tree is damaging the house and presents a po- tential danger to citizens using the sidewalk.
Policy 5231: Length of Work Day revision was ap- proved to comply with state mandated break schedule.
The Elementary School applied and qualified for a program funding snacks to be given to students who must wait 30 minutes before riding the bus home.
Board approved hiring Brett Mayberry as Middle School assistant basketball coach.
Board approved hiring Brittany Ayers-Stamper to fill the temporary, one year posi- tion of 7 hr./day para profes- sional.
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