Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago October 30, 2003

Four Waitsburg Cardinal cross country runners had per- sonal best performances at the pre-district meet in Colfax last Thursday. The Cardinals, for the first time in years, will field a team of five for the Distict meet, scheduled for Friday, Oct. 31 in Deer Park. The top five finishing teams qualify for state at Pasco. Cardinals Jimmy Crawford, Matt Baker, Ty- ler Berg and Marci Jo Lanning all topped their previous best times in the 5 k. run at Colfax. Crawford finished 7th with a 19.11 time; Baker 9th, 19.42; Brad Huffman 12th 19.55; Berg 20th, 21.36; and Connor Talbott, 25th, 22.2. Lanning ended the race in 24th with a 25.26 time.

Twenty-Five Years Ago October 27, 1988

The Waitsburg FFA Chapter recently attended two area judging contest events. One was the Hog judging contest held in Colfax at the Bred Gilt and Boar sale. The team consister of, Angie Campbell, Sandra Conover, Dorothy Ha- zelbaker and Angela Ferguson. The team placed 7th overall with Sandra Conover placing 2nd individually. Soil judging, sponsored by the Wala Walla Soils Conservation District was also attended by the Waitsburg team. They placed 3rd, Josh Wood placed 5th, Amy Branson 7th, Lynne Carpenter 8th, Dwight Penner 18th and Travis Larson.

Fifty Years Ago October 25, 1963

DeNova Club met at the home of Mrs. Jack Penner on October 17. Mrs. Clifford Hermanns introduced Miss Ko- rnelia Freye who showed slides and discussed her native Netherlands. Plans were made for a rummage sale to be held Nov. 7-8 in the Maybac building. Mrs. Virgil Carpenter won the door prize. The Nov. 7 meeting will be the rummage sale.

Seventy-Five Years Ago October 28, 1938

Claud Hand Jr. had a narrow escape from at least seri- ous injury Sunday while bird hunting. A stray shot struck him in the temple breaking the skin and penetrating quite deeply.

Mrs. Walter Price was hostess for the Dorcas Society at a Halloween party Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. G. C. Houtchens assisting. Mrs. Gene Ray and Mrs. Frank Danielson had a charge of the stunts and games.

Mrs. J. A. Hays and son, Lewis have returned to Ash- ton, Ill. after visiting her daughter, Mrs. Bert Hillis and sons, Clarence and Robert Hays.

At a delightful affair Wednesday the Sorotus Club entertained with their annual guest day at the home of Mrs. R. L. Veatch. It was in the form of a chrystanthemum tea and the members of the Amily Art Club and the PEO Chapter were invited guests.

One Hundred Years Ago October 31, 1913

F. B. Baird of the "Delicious Fruit Farm" caught a chicken thief in his chicken house several nights ago.

Gustav Vollmer recently let a contract to J. A. McLean of Walla Walla to build a modern house on his Helix farm. The new residence will have a full concrete basement and will be well constructed.

The marriage of Miss Harriet Taylor to Mr. Ralph McElroy of Spokane took place Wednesday, Oct. 22 at 3 o'clock in Walla Walla.

Bruce Abbey and wife arrived home last Friday from Points in the Middle West where they have been engaged for some time with a theatrical stock company. Mrs. Abbey was home on a short visit last fall but Bruce has not been back for a couple of years. They may decide to spend the winter here.

The open season for chicken shooting ends with this month, so that it will be unlawful to hunt prairie chickens after today.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago October 26, 1888

Misses Lissie Cannon and Lizzie Ibberson and C. B. Richardson went to Portland on Monday night, the ladies to visit the Fair and Mr. Richardson on business.

Harve Parker has leased his father's farm just below town, and he and Joe Harper will farm it next year. At pres- ent, they are batching, but the indications are that their pres- ent lonely condition will not always remain. Yes, things will be changed with Joe before the spring time comes, gentle Annie.

Ed Workshaw, while riding a bucking horse a few days ago, received injuries from being jerked about which caused him to go on crutches a few days. But Ed stayed with the horse just the same, buck or no buck.

The best and cheapest place you can find to attend school is "Waitsburg Academy"; new high roomed building, three male teachers, separate study rooms for ladies, and a special training for the backward.


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