Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Unfunded Mandates

Dear Editor,

The front page of the November 14 edition of The Times included an ar- ticle concerning the needs of Waitsburg School District. Other districts likely have similar stories. Information NOT given in the article was how many of the needs men- tioned were due to unfunded mandates from the state/federal level. To be fair to local districts and their patrons, legislative mandates should not be required unless accompanied by full funding- and should be removed if funding is later withdrawn.

Legislative changes in in- struction hours are eliminating local ability to have half- day professional develop- ment without adding at least 1/4 hour to each school day. Even though professional development is desirable, if not required, it is doubtful it is paid or reimbursed by the state.

I doubt it was a local decision to participate in the Common Core Standards. This change requires updating instructional materials and the related testing requires technology updates. Where will the funding for all of these changes come from-federal, state or local? They may not be mandates by definition but it is doubtful they are totally voluntary or locally decided. Paying for these changes is adding another financial burden to our local district.

Having been a student in school does not give most citizens a true understanding of the complexities involved in running or working in a school district. Dr. Clarke has always been willing to answer questions from patrons of our school district, a recent evening informational meeting being an example. Once you have some in- formation perhaps contact with legislators concerning unfunded mandates would be in order. Such mandates without accompanying fund- ing just pass the buck-usu- ally to local taxpayers.

Jim Davison,



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