WAITSBURG - Last week's Commu- nity Food Drive - sponsored by the local Leo and Lions clubs - brought in a total of 1,267 pounds of food, which filled the shelves of the Waitsburg Resource Center. That is 110 pounds more than what was collected in the 2012 drive.
At 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, Waitsburg High Students met at the school parking lot and divided by class to prepare for the food drive competition. The town was divided into sections and each class was accompanied by a Lion's member who followed along with a vehicle to collect the food.
Students went door- to- door picking up donations. When col- lection was complete the groups brought their food to McGregor Company where it was weighed.
The junior class blew away the competi- tion, with a haul of 581 pounds. Second place went to the freshmen who brought in 283 pounds. The sophomores placed third with 220 pounds and seniors pulled up the rear with 180 pounds collected.
Once the food was weighed and deliv- ered to the Resource Center, students were treated to a BBQ, courtesy of the Waitsburg Lions Club.
The Community Food Drive is spon- sored by Waitsburg High's Leo Club, a service club that is sponsored by the Lions and is an official program of the Lions Clubs International. The objective of the Leo Club is to provide youth with volunteer opportunities to help them "develop leader- ship skills and prepare them for a lifetime of community involve- ment and contribution to society," according to the club's website. Ty- ler Shafer is Waitsburg High's Leo Club presi- dent and Hannah Grant is vice president.
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