WAITSBURG - Trial dates have been set for Janet L. Stone, 49, and David D. Cloyd, 39, who have both plead innocent to charges resulting from an alleged bur- glary/robbery in Waitsburg on October 11.
Cloyd, with no known ad- dress, is accused of entering the home of Waitsburg resi- dent Jacob LuJan, and stealing his wallet. The suspect fled police and was later ap- prehended in Dayton. Cloyd pleaded innocent to charges of first-degree burglary and second degree robbery. A trial date has been set for December 16.
Stone, of 1129 S. Fourth Street in Dayton, is accused of assisting Cloyd in the alleged burglary/robbery and aiding in his flight from police. She pleaded innocent to first-degree burglary, sec- ond-degree robbery and two counts of rendering criminal assistance. Stone's trial has also been set for December 16.
Cloyd and Stone are cur- rently being held in the Walla Walla County Jail on $50,000 bail each.
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