DAYTON - A fundraiser will be held to raise funds for Deb Hays who will be leaving for the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minn. on De- cember 1, for treatment of a brain tumor. The shopping event will take place at St. Josephs Parrish Hall, 112 S. First Street in Dayton, at 10 a.m. on November 29 and 30.
A large selection of Christ- mas gifts has been donated by generous area businesses and individuals. Among the many gift items available will be: Jerry Berg's Smoked Salmon, Alexander's Choco- lates, Country Cupboard gift basket, John's Wheatland Bakery items, Shell gift bas- ket, Nick Page print, a three night stay at the Pend Oreille Shores Resort, Hence Cellars wines and much, much more.
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