Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

November 27, 2003

Mrs. Ida Mae Scott of Dayton, was recently honored for fifty years of continual service as a 4-H leader. The presenta- tion took place on Sunday, November 9 at the Walla Walla County 4-H Achievement program.

Air Force Staff Sgt. Calley J. Gonzalez has graduated from Airman Leadership School at Hurlburt Field, Fort Wal- ton Beach, Fla. She is the daughter of Linda R. and Ralph V. Andrews of Waitsburg and a 1998 graduate of Waitsburg High School.

It was FFA Week at Waitsburg high school last week and it culminated with the Harvest Ball Saturday night. Bertha Poirier, president of the FFA Chapter was crowned Harvest Ball Queen. Members of the court and their escorts were Courtney Gritman, Marty Ahmann, Marci Jo Lanning, Jake Kibler, FFA Sweetheart Bertha Poirier, Matt Baker, Ashley Bertsch, Cole Lindsey, Corrine McKinley, and Mitch Gagnon.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

November 24, 1988

Waitsburg TV Cable has been sold this week to Cooke Cablevision, Walla Walla, by J. W. Buffalo Bill" Thompson. Thompson has owned and operated the business for the past 24 and one-half years, purchasing it from the late Al Watson who started the service in the 1950s.

Waitsburg FFA soil team placed third of 15 in a compe- tition held Oct. 13 in Walla Walla. Team members were: Josh Wood, Lynne Carpenter, Dwight Penner, Amy Branson and Travis Larsen.

Waitsburg Lions generated some news Tuesday, as this reported thinks it is the first time in history that the invoca- tion was interrupted, and the pray-er fined by the Tail Twister, even before the "A-Men" could be appended. Added to a rather conventional mealtime blessing was, "hellip;and please let the Cougars get to go to at least one more bowl game during the next 80 yearshellip;" This verbal tidbit cost the club's most ardent Husky fan about $6 total.

Fifty Years Ago

November 22, 1963

Don Thomas reported that the first week's response to the appeal for funds to complete paying for the restrooms at the fairgrounds was good with almost $100 coming in. he mentioned that the fund goal is $2400, and additional response from others in the community is needed if we are to reach that amount.

November 26 will be a special night for Commercial Club when the members meet to voice their appreciation to Mrs. Jessie Light who has been the regular cook for the club for the past 22 years. On hand to lend support to the festivities will be her son, Clifford Light and his wife from The Dalles, Oregon.

Part of the credit for the Mustang's successful season must go to the students for their support, led by their cheer- leaders: Belinda Johnson, Ann Payne and Linda Johnson. The Johnson twins are new residents of Waitsburg now liv- ing in the former house of Dr. and Mrs. W. F. McConnell on Coppei Avenue. Ann Payne is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Payne, great niece of Mrs. Jack Cushin of Waitsburg, and granddaughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jack Sweazy.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

November 25, 1938

Dangerous work, this goose hunting, or so it would seem. Supt. A. T Sutton is crippling around with a badly sprained ankle. Earnest Zerba also has a sprained ankle and Bob Sprague is laid up with a wrenched knee, all received "while goose hunting."

Naomi Rebekahs and Odd Fellows held a joint Home- coming Saturday evening, Nov. 16,. About 250 were present.

Justice of the Peace A. S. Dickinson has been busy with a number of law cases due to the continued illness of Judge Wilbur in Walla Walla. Monday four young men were tried and sentenced for stealing turkeys from James E. O'Reilly in Dixie.

The Busy Bee Club was entertained Friday at the Craig home by Mrs. Jess Craig, Mrs. Russell Thompson and Mrs. Roy Allen.

Mrs. Albert Land entertained a group of friends last Wednesday afternoon. Contract was played with first prize to Mrs. Will Keve, and Mrs. Gene Ray second prize.

One Hundred Years Ago

November 28, 1913

The force of men and teams doing street work has completed moving the dirt on East Seventh Street between Coppei Avenue and the N. P. depot, and the work of bringing Coppei Avenue down to grade is under way. As soon as this part of the work is completed, the road graders will be put on to smooth up.

The regular annual meeting of the Waitsburg Flori- cultural Society was held in the director's room of the First National Bank on Friday evening of last week. At this meet- ing, the following officers were elected: Rev. W. C. Jones, president; Mrs. Addie Dickinson, vice president; Mrs. Elma Brink, secretary.

The Thanksgiving football game this year will be between the high school team and an 'all-star' alumni team. The game is scheduled for 2:30 on the high school campus. Admission 25¢.

The Pioneer Barn has installed in connection with the livery business, an auto service. Trips made night and day.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

November 23, 1888

Our young friends J. L. Harper and Miss Anna Cox were united in marriage last Wednesday afternoon, moved to their own home and set up housekeeping the same day, all of which was strictly proper and quite commendable.

A.C. Dickinson was knocked down and run over a time or two by a vicious cow a few days ago, but we see he is again on his pins though he uses a cane.

Last Sunday was a sad day for the people of Waitsburg. At 11 o'clock a.m., the funeral of W. P. Bruce, the original proprietor of the town, took place at the Christian Church, and in the afternoon at 3:00, that of his granddaughter, Miss Lily May Abbey, a bright and charming child of 12 years, was held at the M. E. Church. The vast concourse of people was evidence, not only of the universal esteem in which the de- ceased were held, but the deep, earnest sympathy entertained for the bereaved.


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