Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

December 4, 2003

Broetje Orchards, of Prescott, was one of six honorees at National Philanthropy Day ceremonies November 18 at the Seattle Sheraton Hotel. Broetje Orchards is known as a company that grows apples, but also provides a caring community with affordable housing, daycare and educa- tion facilities for its workers. Cheryl and Ralph Broetje own the company, a 4,000 acre operation, which markets apples worldwide under the First Fruits of Washington label. The company employs 900 people year round plus an additional 900 seasonal workers.

Two cabins in the Blue Mountain area of Columbia County have been identified as being the source of two cases of relapsing fever. One case has occurred in a child and the other in an adult. Relapsing fever is an uncommon infectious disease according to Lynna Larsen R.N., PHN. Most people become infected while staying at cabins or summer homes in mountainous areas.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

December 1, 1988

Rich Belanger, a standout football player at Waitsburg High, Walla Walla Community College and now at Sacra- mento State, has been contacted by professional football's New York Jets, New Orleans Saints and Detroit Lions. Belanger, a senior on the Sacramento Hornet team, playing middle linebacker, and a teammate were recently featured in the Sacramento Bee in a story focusing on their hair styles that seem to bring the team good luck.

Police are searching for John D. Richardson, also known as John D. Catt, John D. Richards, after Richardson allegedly wrote a large amount of bad checks, stripped the Lewis & Clark Motel of furniture and fixtures, and left town in a car obtained with a bad check. Waitsburg Deputy Mar- shal Keith Brodhead says Richardson, possible date of birth Oct. 2, 1954, about 6-1 or 6-2, 260-270 pounds with blond hair, possibly dyed, departed Waitsburg about 4:30 p.m., Wednesday, Nov. 23, after being confronted by police about alleged numerous bounced checks.

Fifty Years Ago

November 29, 1963

In a solemn ceremony, Waitsburg residents joined the rest of the nation last Monday to pay respects to the memory of our late President, John R. Kennedy. Mr. J. Raymond Fite officiated at the memorial held in the Christian Church at 1:00 p.m. Assisting were Mr. Burton Stewart, Wm. Brentlinger and E. W. North. The meditation was given by Rev. Darrell Syferd.

Members and leaders of 4-H clubs in the county were honored guests at the annual awards dinner sponsored by Pacific Power and Light Company last week. Lyle Weber presented the Walla Walla Pomona Grange trophies for the best 4-H record books in Walla Walla County. The Waitsburg 4-H Livestock Club won the agriculture club trophy this year. This is the eighth year the club has won the trophy in the past 13 years. Leaders of the club are Mr. and Mrs. Carl Nordheim and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harris.

Commercial Club celebrated its annual Pre-Thanksgiv- ing dinner on Tuesday night, Nov. 26, with an appreciation night for Mrs. Jessie Light who has been Club cook for 22 years. Larry Broom was Master of Ceremonies and gave a humorous talk on Mrs. Light's activities here in Waitsburg. Miles Brunton, who was Club president when Mrs. Light first began cooking for meetings, presented her with a giant-size rolling pin which was signed by every member. Ivan Keve, Club secretary, presented her with a Certificate of Apprecia- tion for her years of faithful service to the Club. Harvey Estes, Club president , presented a silver service which was a gift from the entire membership.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

December 2, 1938

Hot lunches will be served to the pupils of grade and high school beginning next Monday morning. Mrs. Stnaley will serve these again this year. The hot lunch service is of- fered for three months usually and costs the children 15¢ a week for a hot dish.

Mrs. Mary Ann Crawford Dunlap passed away Sunday morning at the family home on Orchard Street. She was 86 years old.

Following the regular dinner of the Commercial Club Tuesday night, motion pictures taken by George Bateman of this city were shown to the members and to the Club's guests, the local troop of Boy Scouts. Many of the pictures were of the activities of the Scouts in summer camp.

One Hundred Years Ago

December 5, 1913

Thanksgiving Day, 1913, was a proud day for Waitsburg and we trust it will also be remembered by Hon. W. G. Pres- ton and family with some little degree of satisfaction. For the dedication and presentation of Preston Hall to the people of this community marked an epoch in local history. The build- ing cost about $37,500.

Taking part in the Thanksgiving Day football game were Guy McLaughlin, Homer Martin, Louis Atkinson, John Zumwalt, Guy Warren, Verl Keiser, Ellis Laidlaw, Hobart Bruce, Alfred Hales and Ralph Baim for the high school. For the alumni, Frank Kinder, Henry Conover, Zo Atkinson, Zeph Cox, Chet Keiser, Glen Utter, Clarence Eaton, Emerson Loundagin and Lawrence Weller. The high school won 8-9.

Miss Bess Fishback, now of Spokane, who had charge of the Domestic Science Department of our schools last year, spent the Thanksgiving vacation in this city, a guest of the Teachers' Club.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

November 30, 1888

During the present year, there have been erected in our little city, 20 or more residences, and six business houses. These are all substantial improvements to meet the demands of the place, and not the result of any boom, or unnatural or superficial growth.

The first snow of the season fell on Thanksgiving Day in the morning and that was but condensed fog., lasted but a short time and did not cover the ground.

Miss Lettie Crawford closed her term of school at Alto on last Friday and will probably enter Waitsburg Academy at the beginning of the winter term.

Born at Huntsville, W.T., Nov. 29, 1888, to the wife of A. C. Kenworthy, a 9-lb. boy.


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