Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Blue Christmas at Grace Church

Grace Church (301 S. Third, Dayton) will be host­ing a Blue Christmas Cel­ebration on December 22 at 7 p.m. This is a joint service of Dayton's First Congregation­al Church and Grace Episco­pal Church. Many cultures have different words for what it means to feel "blue" during the holidays, but as people of faith, we embrace a time to recognize those feelings instead of glossing them over with more joy than seems possible. "Our hope for this evening is to acknowledge and remember both the strug­gles and the joys that come to our lives during Christmas­time, together finding hope in the coming of Emmanuel, God-with-us, the Light of the world," said Rev. Steven E. Woolley. All are welcome re­gardless of faith or tradition.


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