Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

January 1, 2004

Congressional Candidate Cathy McMorris will speak at Commercial Club on Tuesday, January 6. McMorris is seeking the fifth District seat currently held by Rep. George Nethercutt Jr., a Republican, who will oppose Sen. Patty Murray in the 2004 elections.

Nathan Hamann enlisted in the U. S. Navy, completed Basic Training at Great Lakes, Illinois in September of 2003. He is now serving on the U.S.S. Camden in Bremerton, WA. Nathan is the son of Fred Hamann, Waitsburg and Diana Bicker, Seattle.

What a Christmas present to the Grande Ronde Valley with the news that artist Dave Manuel, Wala Walla native and wife, Lee, had agreed to purchase the Hot Lake Hotel and environs. The news story, in The Oregonian and written by former U-B reporter, Dick Cockel, came as one of the biggest stories ending 2003 and greeting 2004.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

December 29, 1988

Who hasn't seen a book of matches enticing one to become an artist, accountant or television repairman? Or an auctioneer? That's how becoming an auctioneer became a reality for Bert Aylward of Waitsburg, who holds court every Friday night at B & B Auction, on Waitsburg's Main Street. Bert and his wife were among a group of couples who enjoyed Ming's Auction in Dayton, but when Mings stopped, well, everyone in the group said they missed the auction. Somebody dared him, and somehow Bert got ahold of a book of matches hawking an auctioneer's correspondence school in Arkansas. From there and the dare, Bert started learning to auction.

Lester "Corky" Callahan will assmer duties of Fire Chief of the Waitsburg Volunteer Fire Department, succeed- ing Walt Warehime, who has served in that capacity for the past few years. Corky has some 20 years experience on the department, and has served as assistant chief for four years. "I'll do my best," Callahan said this week. "I've worked with other chiefs, and know what it involves. There's quite a lot to it, a lot more than people realize."

Fifty Years Ago

December 27, 1963

Francis Wood, Columbia County farmer in the Waits- burg area, has been elected chairman of the Columbia County ASC Committee for 1964. Dick Juris was selected vice chairman of the county committee; Dan Harris was elected regular member with Ralph Smith chosen as first alternate and Dwight Fullerton as second alternate. Geroge Canright was the other community chairman present for the election which took place December 19 at the ASC office in Dayton.

Total U. S. wheat sales to Japan in 1963 are expected to reach slightly over 1.6 million tons, the largest in the his- tory of U.S. - Japan wheat trade, according to Harold Oliver, Prescott, president of the Walla Walla County Association of Wheat Growers. Of this, approximately 800,000 tons is white wheat from the Pacific Northwest.

James A. Stonecipher was installed as Worshipful Master of the Waitsburg Masonic Lodge No. 16 at the regular meeting Monday night, December 23.

Den 2 [Cub Scouts] met and elected new officers. They are Craig Miller, denner; Ernest Coufal, ass't denner; Tommy Hiatt, reporter; Jeff Harper, dues; Bobby Woods, attendance. We made Christmas gifts for Mother and Dat. There will be more more meetings until after Christmas. Tommy Hiatt, reporter.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

December 30, 1938

Paul Talbatt was elected worshipful master of the Ma- sons Monday night.

Wheat prices in Walla Walla County Wednesday were the brightest they have been since the new crop became avail- able. Dealers quoted prices of 54 and 54 ½ centes for No. 1 sacked wheat net to the farmers.

Word has been received at the office of the birth of a baby girl to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Katsel. The young lady was born Wednesday, Dec. 28.

Miss Gertrude Hales, who is teaching near Yakima, Wash. is home for the Christmas vacation visiting her mother, Mrs. C. A. Hales.

Mr. and Mrs. Niel Stimmel of helix, Ore. spent Christ- mas with the Vollmers and other relatives.

One Hundred Years Ago

January 2, 1914

E. R butler, son of Dr. and Mrs. R. E. Butler will open this week a Clothes Cleaning and Pressing establishment in the Laidlow building on Main Street opposite s. F. Patton Co. store.

As Mr. Ike Maxwell was returning from Waitsburg to Coppei last Friday, his dogs caught sight of a coyote. They soon ran it down and killed it in the middle of the county road.

The regular meeting of the Ladies Progressive Club will be held at the home of Mrs. D. B. Stimmel Saturday of this week, Jan.. 3, at 2:30 o'clock. All members are requested to be prompt.

Mrs. W. J. Duncan, who is seriously ill in Spokane, is still not out of danger, according to reports. However, we understand that she is holding her own pretty well, although she still continues to have a high fever.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

December 28, 1888

He who expecatorates on our office stove must not expect to rate as a gentleman.

Washington Territory has fourteen daily papers, of which number Walla Walla has three.

Take some other fellow's sister and go to the ball at Waitsburg Opera House Tuesday evening.

J. C. Arnold has filed a homestead in Adams Co. and will with his family move there in the spring. Sorry to lose such people as they.

Elder F. Walden has purchased from P. S. George and B. Camp eight acres on the north side of the Touchet, adjoining the city, and will build a residence thereon and engage in the fruit business.

At a contest for a prize to be given to the best elocution- ist among the pupils in Umatilla Co. At Centerville, Miss Lenna Smith, daughter of our F. A. Smith, was the successful competitor.


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