Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

January 8, 2004

A severe winter storm began pounding the region on New Year's Day, bringing sub-zero temperatures, blow- ing snow and wreaking havoc with a number of scheduled events. In Waitsburg, the January 6 gathering of Commercial Club was canceled, along with weekend basketball games. Temperatures dipped into the -20s, according to local sourc- es early Monday morning, then warmed up to a few degrees above zero on Tuesday.

Cole Lindsey and Bertha Poirier, both seniors at Waits- burg High School, were named the Walla Walla Exchange Club's Youth of the Month at a Dec. 8, 2003 luncheon at the Walla WallaE lks Lodge. Lindsey, son of John and Dinah Lindsey, Waitsburg and Poirier, daughter of Roy and Abe- lina Poirier, Waitsburg, wrote essays and were selected by Waitsburg staff. They will vie for Youth of the Year scholar- ships offered by the club.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

January 5, 2004

Jim Nagle, Walla Walla County Deputy Prosecutor since 1985. Was chosen last week by the County Commis- sioners to serve as Prosecuting Attorney to replace Don Schacht, new Superior Court Judge.

Waitsburg Commercial Club heard a talk on farm chemicals manufactured by the Merck Company from Ken Brown of Dayton at the January 3 meeting.

Spending the holidays with the Neil and Carl Henzes were Mr. and Mrs. David Zajac and Meagan from Chehalis, Mr. and Mrs. Dan Henze, Sheena and Dane from Aberdeen and Mr. and Mrs. John Higgins, Bill, Jason and Amanda from Medical Lake. Neil and Meagan celebrated birthdays and Carl and Ardie observed their 43rd Wedding Anniver- sary.

Fifty Years Ago

January 3, 1964

December 30, 1963 climaxed an end of over 41 years of rural mail delivery service by W. J. "Bill" Keve. He re- ceived his temporary appointment on October 21, 1922 and a year later was appointed regular carrier. At the time of retirement he was serving Route No. 2. All of Keve's service has been with the Waitsburg post office and covers a mul- titude or experiences with weather and road conditions and modes of travel in the past 41 years. Many times in the 20's during the winter months the Model T and Model A had to give way to the horse and buggy or plain horseback in order to deliver mail to the nearly 45 families who at one time re- sided in the Jasper Mountain area. Bill is an avid fisherman and hunter and will of course plan to pursue these hobbies. He and his wife Gladys, a teacher at Waitsburg Elementary, reside at 110 East 8th.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

January 4, 1889

On Tuesday night some one stole from a hitching rack in this city a valuable horse, saddle, blanket and bridle belonging to B. M. Kent. The horse returned on Wednesday but the rigging is still missing. When the detectives get through at Walla Walla they may turn their attention in this direction with profit.

Elder F. Walden informs us that during the year 1888, there were 66 additions to the Christian Church in this city, that the church is entirely free of debt, and in a highly prosperous condition generally.

We rise to ask what has become of the ordinance requiring animals to be taken care of during the night time. Most any night you can see plenty of cows running at large. A chance for the marshal to make a few dollars.

Married in Dayton Dec. 26, Curtis Bateman of this city and Miss Sadie Cravens of Starbuck. May their journey be long, smooth, happy and prosperous.

One Hundred Years Ago

January 9, 1914

A quiet wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. E. McClurken 12 miles southwest of Starbuck Christmas Day when their daughter Vera Louise and John F. Witheran of Waitsburg were united in the bonds of holy matrimony.

Mrs. James Archer of Waitsburg visited her mother, Mrs. Elnetta Groom of Dayton last week.

Otis Denney butchered eight hogs Tuesday. Six men were on the job and their cooks catered to their appetites. Auto men are scarching the roads without the annoyance of dust and mud.

Pearl Clark and family gave a dinner New Year's Day. Everyone enjoyed the music and dinner and their fortunes proved interesting.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

January 6, 1939

Kola Palace, No. 142, Princes of Syracuse, is the new name of a new lodge for Waitsburg, the charter of which was received last week. Charter members are Billy Payne, Alvin Robinson, Merle Eaton, Denny Neace, Dean Atkinson, Har- vey Estes, Norman Stanley, Dennis Stanley, Murray Fisher, Virgil Bode, Tom Hamby, Chas. Herring, Jim Abbey, Lewis Dunn, Johnny Buroker, Roy Leid, Gerald Vollmer.

The Dayton Chronicle-Dispatch says in its latest issue that construction was started recently by the Blue Mountain Canneries on the asparagus canning plant. They expect to have the plant done by march.

Miss Wanda McClure of Waitsburg and Richard Young of Starbuck were married at midnight New Year's Eve at the home of Rev. E. T. Allen at Walla Walla.


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