Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Waitsburg High Grads Give Back

WAITSBURG - "There's no place like home." Those words hold true for Waits­burg natives, R. Wes Leid, Katie (Mantz) Leid and Jeff Broom -- who have experi­enced life all across the U.S. and overseas - before choos­ing to retire "back home".

Recognizing the distinct advantages their small town roots provided them, the trio decided to give back by establishing a WHS Alumni Scholarship Fund. The fund will provide two 2014 WHS graduates with $1,000 schol­arships and is now open to Founding Donors through March 31 as well as all other donors year-round.

Wes, wife Katie, and Jeff grew up in Waitsburg where they attended all twelve years of school.

"The Waitsburg School System and the people of Waitsburg helped us to be who we are today. said Wes Leid. "All of our parents believed in the town, its people, and the school system, which allowed us to achieve all our dreams and successes in our respective careers. We felt like it was payback time,"

As a college professor and administrator, Leid saw kids from all walks of life and realized that suc­cess de­pends on the advan­tages and disad­vantages experienced as a child. How students felt about themselves had a dis­tinct effect on their future success. Wes, Katie and Jeff all recognized advantages they had received growing up Waitsburg rather than in a large city.

"We were everybody's kids," said Broom. "I used to think adults were busybod­ies, because they would talk about the kids and how they were doing. I later realized it wasn't because they were gossiping - it was because they cared and often took steps to help. That's part of what drew me back here."

Leid spent 40 years as a molecular scientist working at Michigan State, Harvard University, WSU and even in The Netherlands. His wife Katie is a nationally board-certified teacher in early adolescent science, and finished her 20-year educa­tional career as Dayton El­ementary School principal, retiring last year.

As the Leids attended many school functions in Dayton - including scholar­ship awards - Wes was par­ticularly impressed by Day­ton's Scholarship Funds and the wide-ranging support offered to Dayton graduates. The scholarships available are from diverse sources and are well supported by the community through regular donations, memorial giving, gifts of farmland, and the like.

Leid saw the need for a similar fund - one everyone was aware of and could con­tribute to -- in Waitsburg. He consulted with Jeff Broom, a lifelong friend who had also gravitated "home" to retire.

Broom worked in engi­neering and construction management all over the U.S. as well as in the former Soviet Union. Through his work on the Walla Walla Community College Foun­dation Board Scholarship Committee, Broom gained experience reviewing schol­arships - including those in Waitsburg - and is aware of what is available. He noted that while Waitsburg does offer many scholarships, most are for relatively small dollar amounts.

"We believe an excel­lent education will be an absolute requirement for success in this and succeed­ing centuries and we want to make sure that every WHS graduate who wishes may continue their education and not be stopped by a lack of funds," said Wes Leid.

The Leids established the fund by becoming Founding Donors - requiring a mini­mum donation of $10,000 - in memory of their parents, Pat and Roy Leid and Evy and Lee Mantz.

"They were part of the 'greatest generation'; al­ways helping out every­where," said Broom.

Shortly after, Sally (Chase) Baker and husband Glenn Baker, now of Austin, Minn., also became Found­ing Donors in memory of longtime Waitsburg institu­tions, Bettie and Berger Chase. There is no looking back and the fund is current­ly at $35,000 and growing.

The scholarship is owned by the WHS Alumni As­sociation Committee and overseen by a sub-commit­tee. That way, rather than a scholarship that is owned by or dedicated to a specific family, all WHS graduates can share in ownership. This should result in more frequent donations from alumni and others and an endowment fund that grows steadily. The Blue Mountain Community Foundation (BMCF) manages the schol­arship, thus making dona­tions tax deductible.

"We encourage all WHS graduates - or anyone with an interest in Waitsburg -- to contribute so that all future graduates have an opportunity to further their education and attain their dreams," said Wes Leid. "As John Kennedy said, 'For of those to whom much is given, much is asked.'"

Two $1,000 scholarships will be awarded this year and in perpetuity, and the committee hopes to see these numbers increase steadily in the future.

The Alumni Associa­tion will produce an annual brochure listing the total value of the fund as well as the Founding Donors and those honored along with that year's recipients, donations and memorials. Founding Donor status is open through March 31. Af­ter that date, donations will be gladly accepted, but the giver will not be listed as a Founding Donor.

Donations in any amount are welcome and payable to BMCF (22 E. Poplar, Ste. 206, Walla Walla, WA 993362) with a memo stat­ing the funds are for the WHS Alumni Scholarship. Donors will receive an ac­knowledgement letter for tax purposes.

Those with questions are encouraged to contact Katie or Wes Leid, Jeff Broom or any other Alumni board member.


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