Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Wrestling Results at ACH

ALMIRA - WP wres­tlers met here on Wednes­day, January 29 competing against Almira/Coulee/Har­tline (ACH), Lind/Ritzville, Liberty and Colfax/Gar-Pal.

David Just (132): PinnedTyson Rogers (Colfax)4:32; pinned Isaac Cook(Colfax) :56; pinned byGarrett Rogers (Liberty)1:40; pinned by Mitch Bar­ney (Colfax) :43.

TJ Morrison (152): Pinnedby Kevin Knauff (Colfax)2:44.

DJ Lalka (170): Pinned byBranden Arneson (Colfax)

time not recorded.

EJ Oppelt- Rising Sun( 195): Pinned by RayCompton (Colfax) 1:36;pinned by Kevin Winder(Liberty) 5:15.

Tyler Hoffman ( 220):Pinned by Evan Lord (Col­fax) 2:26.

Tristan Newman (185):Pinned Nick McAdams( Colfax) 1: 11; pinnedLayne Hawks (LRS) 1:02.

Newman is undefeated in league competition, securing the number one seed for the sub-regional tournament this Saturday in Colfax. Wres­tlers travel to Pomeroy on January 4 for the final match of the season and on to sub- regionals at Colfax on the January 8.

According to Waitsburg Athletic Director Stepha­nie Wooderchak, Newman, Just and Hoffman will all automatically advance to the Regional Tournament in Kittitas on Feb. 14 and 15. Tyler Brooks also has a good chance of advancing, she said.


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