DAYTON - In a special Monday meeting this week, the Columbia County Board of Commissioners approved a measure to allow emergency repairs to the ceiling and carpet in the courtroom of the Columbia County Courthouse, after accidental damage caused by a contractor. The measure allows courthouse Maintenance Supervisor Dave Finney to hire a local contractor for the repairs without going through the normal bidding process.
In January, a worker with Pringles Power Vac of Walla Walla was cleaning ductwork on the courthouse roof when he accidently dropped a large wrench into a duct. It hit a coolant line and broke it. The resulting leakage caused buckling in the plaster ceiling near the center of the courtroom and also damaged the carpet directly below.
Finney told the commissioners during their regular meeting last week that the potential for falling plaster could be a major safety hazard in the courtroom. On Monday he told the commissioners he has lined up a local contractor to remove the loose plaster on Wednesday. The ceiling will be repaired and the carpet in the courtroom replaced during a week in March when the courtroom is not scheduled for use.
Finney said that if he had to go through normal bidding to hire a contractor, it could be weeks or months before work could be started.
Commissioner Chuck Reeves, who called into the meeting by phone, said that Pringles' insurance carrier would be responsible to cover the cost for the repairs. The county will not be responsible for any cost, he said.
Finney said that the county's insurance company was contacted and will be involved in negotiations with Pringles' carrier to establish a final settlement. "There was some discussion about depreciation of the carpet," he told the commissioners. "They are in a much better position to negotiate that."
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