AFS Intercultural Programs, a student exchange program, is accepting host family applications in the Walla Walla Valley region for the 2014-15 school year. High School slots are available for AFS students in Walla Walla, Waitsburg and Dayton. Participants are carefully matched and volunteers are always on hand to make sure that students have the support and tools needed for a positive experience.
Although students do not arrive before August, families interested in hosting can begin the application process now. Thousands of young people around the world are moving through the process and available for placement. Learn more about hosting or other opportunities for families to participate in intercultural learning at Interested parties may also contact local volunteers Fred Crowe (Dayton) at (509) 382-2151 and Linnea Keatts (Walla Walla) at ljkeats@q. com (509) 525-0049.
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