Grief Support Group(2nd & 4th Thursdays)
6:30 p.m.
First CongregationalChurch (214 S. 3rd Street,Dayton)
This is an ongoing, opendiscussion group offeringgrief support. New participants are welcome. CallTeeny McMunn at 509-386-5287 with questions.
Home and School Association Meeting
Waitsburg ElementarySchool
6:30 p.m.
Agenda to include information about the Title 1program and services at theelementary school as well asa review of the Title 1 ParentInvolvement Policy/Procedures. Input from parents isneeded.
Winter Farmer's Market Blue Mountain Station
10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Local music, food, andmuch more.
Storytime (every Monday) Weller Public Library,Waitsburg
10:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Celebration Days Meeting Waitsburg Business Center 5 p.m.
Dayton City Council
City Hall (111 S. 1stStreet)
7 p.m.
Preschool Story Time(every Tuesday)
Dayton Memorial Library 10 a.m.
Story Time (every Tuesday) Prescott Library
2:30 p.m.
Crafts and stories gearedto preschool children, but allages are welcome.
Student Assessment Information Meeting
WHS Auditorium
Middle and high schoolstudents and parents areencouraged to attend thismeeting to receive information on the state assessmentsystem and the new onlineSmarter Balanced Assessments. They will also begiven the opportunity to access the practice test onlineand receive information asto how they can access thepractice tests at home.
Friends of the LibraryMeeting (Dayton)
Dayton Memorial Library 10 a.m.
Crafternoon ( everyWednesday)
Dayton Memorial Library 3:30 p.m.
All ages welcome.
HIV/AIDS Parent Preview Night
Waitsburg Elementary
School Library
7 p.m.
Following a preview ofthe materials, parents whowish to have their child excluded from participation inthe HIV/AIDS PreventionProgram may sign a releaseform. State law requires thatparents or guardians attendsuch a meeting before theycan have their child excluded from participation.
Teddy Bear Sleepover
Dayton Memorial Library 5 p.m. Feb. 28 - 10 a.m.March 1
The library will be hosting a sleepover for stuffedanimal friends. Come at 5p.m. for a bedtime themedstory and tuck your stuffedanimal in for the night.When you return the nextmorning for pick-up, you'llsee pictures of what adventures your animal hadat its sleepover. Drop-offbetween 10 a.m. and 5 p.m.;optional storytime 5 p.m.pick-up 10 a.m.
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