Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

March 11, 2004

A small group of Waitsburg citizens has held the first caucus of the eligibility period Sunday at the home of H. V. "Bill" and Jan Zuger, nominating three-year councilman Marty Dunn as mayor and former Waitsburg City Clerk Nancy Parker to join incum­bents Mark Shively, Bettie Chase, Debara Whitmore and Markeeta Little Wolf. Jean Hinchliffe was nominated as City Treasurer.

Whitney White, 18-year-old daughter of Pepper White and Becky Martin, Dayton, was named queen of the 2004 Walla Walla Fair and Frontier Days at the Showcase 2004 held at the Walla Walla Fairgrounds March 4. The county fair will be Labor Day Weekend, September 1-5, 2004.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

March 9, 1989

J. W. "Buffalo Bill" Thompson was selected as Waitsburg Commercial Club's "Citizen of the Year" at the annual banquet held Tuesday evening, March 7. Thompson, former owner of the Waitsburg TV Cable Company, was selected because of his many and varied activities in the community mak­ing it a better place in which to live. He has been president of Waitsburg Campfire Coun­cil and is presently a member of the City Council. He recently sold the television cable company to Cooke Cablevision.

Inspired to boost the community dur­ing the centennial, Morris Kurth has spear­headed a project to design a flag for the City of Waitsburg. After enlisting the help of a couple of friends, Kurth presented the design before the City Council last Wednesday. The Council adopted the design as the official flag for the city.

Fifty Years Ago

March 6, 1964

Members of the First Christian Church met Sunday, March 1, for a congregational dinner and business meeting. AT this time the main business transacted was a decision to build a new church parsonage on the parson­age location on Main Street.

The Blue Mountain Insurance Agency office is in the process of getting a "face-lift­ing" this week. The old store-front windows have been replaced by smaller panes, and the front will be finished in a colonial style.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

March 10, 1939

Forrest Conover and Paul Hofer are the new members of the local school board.

Frank Kessler and sons Frank Jr. and Leland, have picked up quite an extensive business in chopped pea vines for stock feed.

About 40 men, neighbors and close friends of Emory McCown surprised that gentleman Wednesday evening by calling in a body at the recently completed McCown home west of town.

Wiley Miller of Waitsburg enjoyed a birthday celebration at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Victor Yochum in Pomeroy, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Miller, also other children of the Miller family.

Mrs. Cora Groom of Huntsville was honored guest at an informational surprise dinner at the home of Mrs. David McIntosh Wednesday afternoon.

One Hundred Years Ago

March 13, 1914

The Christian Endeavor Society of the Presbyterian Church with a few friends were entertained by Rev. and Mrs. Jones Friday evening at the manse. Miss Vera Best and Miss Birdie Lyon assisted Mrs. Jones in receiving. Both Miss Best and Miss Lyon contributed vocal selections towards the eve­ning's entertainment.

Homer Michelsen, the horseshoer, is able to be on the street again after a couple of weeks hard tussle with lagrippe.

Clarence Smith and J. W. Stotts worked the Neace grade last week and the condition is very much improved. Elmer Stonecipher has worked from Whetstone Hollow to the Ray place, getting it in first class condition.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

March 15, 1889

The Presbyterians of Prescott now have a very handsome church edivice, which was formerly dedicated two weeks ago. It is a neat building, well finished and is entirely free from debt. Much praise is due the sac­rificing ladies of that city for their zeal and untiring efforts to raise the wherewithal.

Fred Hofer was in from the Gulch on Monday.

J. L. Dumas and John Service will im­mediately start a lumber yard at the depot.

Fifty dollars a front foot was refused for Main Street property in this city last week.

Trying to do business without advertis­ing is like winking at a girl in the dark. You know what you're doing but no one else does.

Abel White and family have moved onto their ranch, and the place they vacated is now occupied by L. H. Macomber and fam­ily, whose property it now is.

George Anderson came out from Walla Walla on Saturday and spent a few days visiting his relatives, the families of David Roberts and J. W. Morgan.


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