Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Waitsburg Gets Hoppin’

WAITSBURG - The WHS gymnasium was quite literally the most "hop­ping" place in town last week. On the afternoon of Feb. 26, Waitsburg el­ementary students filled the court -- jumping, shooting, swiveling and twirling, to raise funds for the American Heart Association (AHA) as part of the annual Hoops for Heart fundraiser. "Our goal was to raise $2,500 said Event Coordinator and First Grade Teacher Dinah Lind­sey. "We ended up raising $3,320.30!"

Preparation for the event began with a "kick off" assembly on February 13. Some members of the ju­nior and senior high school classes wrote and performed a skit for the elementary students. Several classes helped out during the event by participating with the kids, spinning the jump rope and supervising.

Grade school students were given the option of whether or not to participate in the fundraising portion of the program, but all stu­dents participated in the jump/shoot/hoop event on the 26th. "We had huge par­ticipation this year. 100% of the kids were involved. We had a great time," said Fitness Instructor Jeff Bart­low. Kindergarten through third graders jumped rope and hula hooped, while 4th through 6th grade students shot hoops.

"We Jump, We Shoot, We Save!" is the official slogan for this year's Hoops for Heart events. The goals of the events are two-fold: to encourage students to get active and to raise money for the AHA. The mission state­ment of the AHA is simple: "To build healthier lives, free of cardiovascular diseases and stroke. That single pur­pose drives all we do. The need for our work is beyond question."

Donations are used for education, research and lobbying. Examples of how funds are used include: en­couraging lawmakers to make changes in menu la­beling and state health pro­grams, awarding researchers with grants and scholarships, placing identification stick­ers in public places that direct people to automated defibrillators, and getting people active through pro­grams like Go Red for Women and the Start! Walking Pro­grams Tracker.

According to the Ameri­can Heart Association web­site 75 cents of every dollar stays in the region, while 25 cents is used for national expenses such as smoke free legislations and school lunch regulations.

Lindsey wishes to express thanks to the donors that made the event a success. "We have a very supportive community," she said. "Go, Waitsburg!"


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