WAITSBURG - To Waitsburg-Prescott Cross Country Coach Joanna Lanning, giving back to a supportive community is as important as performing well in competition. WP X-C athletes recently concluded a fundraiser in which the seven-person team raised $300 for the Providence St. Mary Regional Cancer Center in Walla Walla.
For several months, the athletes sold black and pink wrist bands embossed with the slogan, "Got Pink?" The group voted on both the color and the slogan.
A check for $300 will soon be presented to Mardi Hagerman, R.N. OCN, Community Resource Coordinator at the Providence St. Mary Regional Cancer Center and increase the Center's Breast Cancer Special Needs Fund. The fund is used to assist breast cancer patients with items like prosthetic devices, wigs, housing food, electric bills, fuel and mileage. "Really, whatever the patient might have a need for," said Hagerman.
"Every season we try and perform some kind of community service," said Lanning. "We've picked up litter and have volunteered at Black Dog Rescue." Three years ago, the team first dressed in pink during Homecoming Field Night to promote Breast Cancer awareness. In 2012 they began selling wrist bands during Homecoming - a successful fundraiser that they continued last season.
Lanning said she recalls reading about the work performed at the Center and how the Special Needs Fund is used. "I thought it would be an excellent cause for our group," said Lanning, who goes the extra mile to make community needs tangible to her athletes.
Lanning and her team toured the Cancer Center in November, just after the State tournament. The year prior, Breast Cancer survivor Julie Johnston spoke with the team about her experience. "The athletes were impressed with the Center and it helped make our fundraising more real for them," said Lanning.
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