Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley




Delaney Building (Day­ton) 12 p.m.

First Thursday Concert

St. Paul's EpiscopalChurch (323 CatherineStreet, Walla Walla)

12:15 p.m.

The concert will featureDoug Scarborough, trom­bone; Michael Simon, bass;Michael LeFever, guitar andJason Morrison, piano. Theprogram will begin at 12:15and last about 40 minutes.The concert is free but dona­tions are gratefully acceptedand sent to Friends of Chil­dren of Walla Walla. ContactTanya at 529-1083 for moreinformation.


Open Mic Night

Coppei Café (137 Main,Waitsburg)

6:30 to 9:30

Three song sets. All arewelcome.


Winter Farmer's Mar­ket Blue Mountain Station

10 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Local music, food, andmuch more.

Middle of Nowhere Ses­sion Mace Mead Works

The bands, XDS (for­merly Experimental DentalSchool) and Mattress willperform at Mace and hangout with the crowd. Ticketsare limited to the first 50sold; $15 adults/$10 stu­dents. Tickets may be pur­chased at


Prescott Joint ParksStrategic Planning Session

PJPRD Office (101 S. DStreet, #A, Prescott)

1 p.m. to 5 p.m.

Strategic Planning Ses­sions

are open to the public.


Storytime (every Mon­day) Weller Public Library,Waitsburg

10:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.

Election CandidacyDeadline

Declarations of Candi­dacy for Waitsburg CityCouncil or mayor positionsmust be filed with the CityClerk by March 10.


Preschool Story Time(every Tuesday)

Dayton Memorial Li­brary 10 a.m.

Story Time (every Tues­day) Prescott Library

2:30 p.m.

Crafts and stories gearedto preschool children, but allages are welcome.

Wii Night

Prescott Library (103 S.D Street)

5 p.m. to 7 p.m.

Come to the library forWii Gaming the first twoTuesdays of every month.

Waitsburg WinterSports Awards

Waitsburg High SchoolAuditorium

7 p.m.

Athletes participating inbasketball and wrestling willbe honored. Please bringa dessert to share after thepresentations. Punch will beprovided.


Christian Women'sConnection Luncheon

Grain House Grill (232 S.Main, Dayton)

11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.Cost $10

Janice Van Deist willshare about how to getcleaned up and organizedboth daily and spiritually.Ruth Brush will share hercreativity with recycling andMaxine Larson will sing.Call Judy at (509)399-2005by March 7 for reservations.

First Aid/CPR/AEDCourse

Prescott School Districtis hosting a First Aid/CPRclass at 6 p.m. on March12 in the Prescott SchoolLibrary. The class is opento the public and the cost is$30. Contact Sharon Brooksat 337-6149 or Kari New­man at to reserve a spotin the class.

Waitsburg SchoolBoard Meeting

Preston Hall Board Room(605 Main Street)

7 p.m.


Dayton Winter SportsAwards

Dayton ElementaryMulti-purpose Room

6:30 p.m.


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