Delaney Building (Dayton) 12 p.m.
First Thursday Concert
St. Paul's EpiscopalChurch (323 CatherineStreet, Walla Walla)
12:15 p.m.
The concert will featureDoug Scarborough, trombone; Michael Simon, bass;Michael LeFever, guitar andJason Morrison, piano. Theprogram will begin at 12:15and last about 40 minutes.The concert is free but donations are gratefully acceptedand sent to Friends of Children of Walla Walla. ContactTanya at 529-1083 for moreinformation.
Open Mic Night
Coppei Café (137 Main,Waitsburg)
6:30 to 9:30
Three song sets. All arewelcome.
Winter Farmer's Market Blue Mountain Station
10 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Local music, food, andmuch more.
Middle of Nowhere Session Mace Mead Works
The bands, XDS (formerly Experimental DentalSchool) and Mattress willperform at Mace and hangout with the crowd. Ticketsare limited to the first 50sold; $15 adults/$10 students. Tickets may be purchased at macemeadworks.myshopify.com
Prescott Joint ParksStrategic Planning Session
PJPRD Office (101 S. DStreet, #A, Prescott)
1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Strategic Planning Sessions
are open to the public.
Storytime (every Monday) Weller Public Library,Waitsburg
10:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Election CandidacyDeadline
Declarations of Candidacy for Waitsburg CityCouncil or mayor positionsmust be filed with the CityClerk by March 10.
Preschool Story Time(every Tuesday)
Dayton Memorial Library 10 a.m.
Story Time (every Tuesday) Prescott Library
2:30 p.m.
Crafts and stories gearedto preschool children, but allages are welcome.
Wii Night
Prescott Library (103 S.D Street)
5 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Come to the library forWii Gaming the first twoTuesdays of every month.
Waitsburg WinterSports Awards
Waitsburg High SchoolAuditorium
7 p.m.
Athletes participating inbasketball and wrestling willbe honored. Please bringa dessert to share after thepresentations. Punch will beprovided.
Christian Women'sConnection Luncheon
Grain House Grill (232 S.Main, Dayton)
11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.Cost $10
Janice Van Deist willshare about how to getcleaned up and organizedboth daily and spiritually.Ruth Brush will share hercreativity with recycling andMaxine Larson will sing.Call Judy at (509)399-2005by March 7 for reservations.
First Aid/CPR/AEDCourse
Prescott School Districtis hosting a First Aid/CPRclass at 6 p.m. on March12 in the Prescott SchoolLibrary. The class is opento the public and the cost is$30. Contact Sharon Brooksat 337-6149 or Kari Newman at knewman@prescott.k12.wa.us to reserve a spotin the class.
Waitsburg SchoolBoard Meeting
Preston Hall Board Room(605 Main Street)
7 p.m.
Dayton Winter SportsAwards
Dayton ElementaryMulti-purpose Room
6:30 p.m.
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