Are all of you aware that spring has sprung? Well, maybe not weather-wise; I am referring to the time of year when we all 'spring ahead'. Did you remember to set your clocks ahead and also change the battery in your smoke alarm? It's not too late to do so now.
It has been a busy time at Columbia County Senior Center. We had two speakers last week. Diane Ver Valen, who is with Columbia County Emergency Management, explained (or at least tried) the importance of registering our telephone numbers for the CodeRed program. Colleen Sproul, Columbia County Hospital District Commissioner, told us about the programs pertaining to sustaining/maintaining our hospital and nursing home. Both answered questions and took suggestions from the audience.
We were again, reminded about the various scams going around. It is very important to report these calls to our State Attorney General's office. The number to call is: 800-551- 4636. If you can't/won't call that number, call our local police at 382-2581.
Verla Rouse entertained us with a reading titled "The Stranger In My Mirror". Many were nodding agreement at the various things mentioned.
Our monthly birthday dinner will be this coming Thursday. Those with birthdays during March are: Doris Durham, Marion Powers and Barbara DeBruyn.
We will be celebrating St. Patrick's Day by wearing green. Newcomers to our group are Howard and Marian Whipple.
The County nurses still come once a month for taking blood pressure. Thanks go out to Kathy, Joan and Kathy.
We are losing a very faithful friend to us and the community. John David Delp has retired from delivering the home meals. Becky Wood is filling in for him, but Site Manager Orinda wants us all to be looking for someone to replace John D. Might not be so easy to do. Marilyn Roff is the other deliverer.
We have been told that the 'lost last Thursday' of each month is being restored. We will now have a full month of meals. Many thanks go out to our community for all the help we have received each month to replace those lost lunches.
All of you are encouraged to come join us. Remember, if you are a first-timer, call 382-2006 and get your name in the pot. We eat at noon, but come early for visiting, working on puzzles or playing pool.
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