Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

March 18, 2004

Veteran parade rider Charlene "Charlee" Long, daugh­ter of Jake and Michelle Long, Waitsburg, will represent the community as Queen of the 2004 Days of Real Sport. The sixteen-year-old is a veteran of many area parades, including Waitsburg's, when she carried banners for previous Days of Real Sport courts the past three years.

Dona Jean Smith was honored by the Waitsburg Com­mercial Club for years of dedicated and faithful service to various community, civic and church organizations at its 2004 Annual Banquet held Tuesday, March 16, at Ye Towne Hall.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

March 16, 1989

Two Waitsburg High School students will represent Waitsburg at Girl's State in June. Rachel Hinchliffe, daughter of George and Jill Hinchliffe and Lynne Carpenter, daughter of J.R. and Sandy Carpenter, will attend the June session.

The Waitsburg Economic Development Commission heard Monday night from Lee A. Fisher, a banking consultant who specializes in rural areas, on a plan being implemented by several small communities in Washington. The plan is simple, inexpensive and effective, Fisher says, and involves attracting retired urbanites from large cities to relocate in a small, rural community to enjoy a quality of life not known before.

Fifty Years Ago

March 13, 1964

With less than 100 citizens of Waitsburg exercising their right to vote on Tuesday, March 10, the Citizens' Ticket as nominated at the regular caucus was re-elected to office. Mayor Albert Land received 74 votes; Harold Bloor 70 votes for councilman; Roy Reid 77 votes for councilman; Ernest Rohde 48 votes as councilman; Kenneth Zuger 77 votes as councilman; Julia Davis 75 votes as treasurer. The officials will be installed at the regular legal initiation as required by state law.

Bob Farmer will accompany four Waitsburg girls to Spokane on Saturday, March 14, to the Womens' Indoor National Track Championship to be held in the Whitworth College fieldhouse at 10:00 a.m. There will be contestants in this meet from schools as far away as Compton, California. Waitsburg girls and their events are: Karen Hansen, shot put, basketball throw, and 880-yard run; Paula Benson, Sherry Donley, Debby Conover, Special 50-yard dash race. This is the first meet of the year for the girls' track team which was started last year by coach Gary Frederick.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

March 17, 1939

Mr. and Mrs. Marcus Zuger have received word their son Kenneth who is attending WSC is having a siege of the mumps.

Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Gohlman are the proud parents of a girl who arrived Sunday morning at the Brining Hospital in Dayton. We are going to ask Grandpa Mayor E. J. Call for a cigar as soon as he gets his feet on the ground.

Mrs. Frank Meadows of Walla Walla entertained at a luncheon Friday and had as guests from here the Mesdames John Kanz, Wes Lloyd, Henry Zuger, John Clodius, Cary Prichard, Dolph Egelston, Henry Conover, Joe Grote, and Jessie Light. Mrs. Joe Grote and Mrs. E. L. MacBoyle won at cards.

One Hundred Years Ago

March 20, 1914

Practical work in the comestic science class of the high school was demonstrated last Thursday evening when Ruth Eaton and Julia Ramseur served a four-course luncheon to guests at 35¢ per plate.

The farmers in this vicinity are all busy with spring work while the women are busy setting hens and making gardens.

The city council has decided to strictly enforce the or­dinance against hogs within the next few days.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

March 22, 1889

Mr. Isaac Wilson ws last Saturday elected leader of the Waitsburg Cornet Band. He is a fine musician.

"D" Reavis is quite sick at St. Mary's hospital in Walla Walla. His many friends here will read this item with regret.

John McGhee is having a tussle with the mumps in Walla Walla.

We are grieved to learn that A. W. Covert is quite sick with lung fever at his home at Alto.

A little bird told us that our old friend J. E. Eckelburner has been the victim of Cupid's Dart, and that he will next Sunday be lead to the hymeneal altar by a fair young damsel. A wise boy is Joseph.

More than two weeks ago the council ordered sidewalks built on each side of Main Street to Third in ten days and they aren't built yet. Why issue orders unless they are obeyed?


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