Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Support Urged for Dayton School Bond Levy

Dear Editor,

As a citizen and tax payer I believe our students today and in the future need your help. Our parents, grandparent, great grand­parents and community members provided the facilities we needed while we were stu­dent, now it is our turn. A recent study and survey conducted by ar­chitects and engineers identified three defi­ciencies related to Dayton's school facilities. These include; Mechanical systems (heating, ventilation, air conditioning, plumbing and electrical) Safety, health, and security Classroom availability and size

A citizens committee met for 10 months and provided the School Board with a rec­ommendation which led to the ballot mea­sure. The recommendation includes a com­plete interior renovation to the high school, replacement of outdated and inefficient mechanical systems in the K-8 building, and construction of a new multi-purpose facility which would be home to food services, a performing arts area, a student commons, and district office space.

On April 4 ballots will be mailed to vot­ers in the Dayton School District. The ballot will ask voters to consider a renovation/ construction bond measure. Bonds total­ing $19,955,000 would be sold to support a Campus Wide renovation/construction project. Ballots must be returned to the county, or postmarked, no later than April 22. Should the project receive 60% approval from local tax payers it would be matched by approximately $4,000,000 from Wash­ington State?

The school district and Dayton Citizens for Education Committee has made and will continue to provide bond related informa­tion to the community. Please make time to examine information made available in our local papers, the school website (, and the Dayton Citizens for Education website (daytoncitizensforeduca­ If you have questions contact the superintendent or school board. I know they are willing to answer your questions. Please make yours an informed vote.

Douglas Johnson

Dayton, WA


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