Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

School Bond Levy Informational Meetings

DAYTON - Dayton Citi­zens for Education and the Dayton School District will be hosting two informa­tional meetings to provide the public with information on the bond issue which has been placed on the April 22 ballot. The meetings will take place at the Delaney Building from 7p.m. to 8p.m. on Tuesday, April 1 at and from noon to 1 p.m. on Thursday, April 10.

The $19,995,000 bond will cost local taxpayers $2.53 per thousand of as­sessed value for 20 years. Local dollars will be supple­mented by $4,000,000 of state matching funds. The program will address signif­icant facility needs includ­ing mechanical systems, in­structional spaces and safety and security issues.

The project would in­clude a complete interi­or renovation of the high school with the brick exte­rior retained to maintain the original look. All mechani­cal systems at the K-8 build­ing would be replaced and communication systems and fire suppression added. A new multi-purpose room would be constructed be­tween the existing buildings and house food services and a performing arts area. A new outdoor storage build­ing and a maintenance shop would be built and new roofs would be installed on the high school, Ag Science, bus garage and wood tech­nology buildings.

Superintendent Doug Johnson and members of the Citizens for Education committee will be present at both meetings to share in­formation and answer ques­tions related to the bond. Childcare will be provided at the April 1 meeting, as well as light refreshments. A soup and bread lunch will be available at the noon, April 10 meeting.

More information on the bond issue can be found at http://www.daytoncitizensforedu­


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