Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Columbia County to Offer Prescription Drug Takeback

DAYTON - Residents of Columbia County will soon have several safe and secure places to dispose of un­wanted prescription drugs. Blue Mountain Counseling, working with the Columbia County Sheriff's Office, is preparing to install prescrip­tion drug drop boxes in three locations in Dayton.

According to Laura Tol­man, who is prevention coordinator at Blue Moun­tain Counseling in Dayton, the county has received a grant of $16,000 to help re­duce substance abuse in the county. The money is being used to purchase the boxes and other equipment to help local residents safely dispose of prescription drugs.

Prescription drug abuse is one of the biggest substance abuse problems in our area, Tolman said. Accidental poisonings are also a big problem, and the drugs can be an environmental hazard.

A permanent slot for dis­posal of prescriptions will be installed in the lobby at the Sheriff's Office in the first floor of the County Courthouse. Drop boxes will also soon be located at the pharmacy at Dayton General Hospital, and at Elk Drug on Dayton's Main Street. A por­table drop box is also being purchased, which can be set up at events such as National Night out or the Columbia County Fair.

"These boxes will be self- serve, and no questions will be asked," said Tolman.

At each location, non-see- through envelopes will be provided. Medicines should be placed in the envelopes in their original containers, if possible. Personal informa­tion can be blacked out using a permanent marker. Special plastic bags will be provided for liquid medicines.

"Once the envelopes are sealed, they will remain unopened," Tolman said. The boxes will be unloaded by Sheriff's Department personnel and the envelopes will be transported to Spo­kane, where they will be safely incinerated.

Tolman said that she also hopes to use grant funds to purchase several personal lockboxes that can be dis­tributed free to local resi­dents. Locking up medicines is one of the best ways to prevent abuse and poison­ings, she said.


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