Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Support of Public Schools is Wrong

Dear Editor,

Mandatory government education (also called public education) is not only collectiv­ist, authoritarian, and unacceptable in a coun­try that claims to be free. It is also inherently inefficient at education:

1. Public schools are not intended to edu­cate -- from the public schools of the past:

Prussia, National Socialist Germany, Sovi­et Russia, Maoist China, the socialist leaning governments of the early 20th century USA (Which forced Native American children into schools and punished them for speaking their own tongue), Britain, and imperialist Austra­lia (which did the same thing that the US did to the Native Americans but this time to the Natives of Australia).

To the public schools of today, in those very places. The goal is not to encourage critical thinking, learning how to learn, or investigating an issue from all sides includ­ing "politically incorrect" and unofficial views. Instead the goal is producing good citizens and team players.

2. Landowners are forced to pay for pub­lic schools at the threat of having the land they supposedly own confiscated if they fail to pay their property taxes. This effectively eliminates any potential for serious compe­tition and removes the need for any integrity or quality in public schools.

Do not waste your children's time and stunt their intellect by placing them in pub­lic schools. Vote no on the upcoming Day­ton School Bond, and vote no on every other school bond presented in the future, and use the money you save to offer your children a real education opportunity. Please stop supporting and making the rest of us unwill­ingly pay for a system that is detrimental to children.

Jordan Henderson



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