Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

New Celebration Days Parade Event

Parade marshal nominations sought

WAITSBURG - Cel­ebration Days is just around the corner and this year's parade will include a new pre-parade event. A Kiddie Parade will light up Main Street at 9:30 a.m. on May 17 - followed by the tradi­tional 10 a.m. Celebration Days Parade -- to kick off the weekend events.

Because this year's pa­rade once again falls on Armed Forces Day, "Cel­ebrate America in Waits­burg" has been chosen as the theme. Young entrants are encouraged to decorate bikes, trikes, wheeled toys and wagons accordingly and "be creative with our na­tion's colors," according to parade organizers Walt and Gwen Gobel.

For safety reasons, it is requested that dogs not be included. Power Wheel-type electic vehicles are welcome if accompanied by a walking adult, as are ponies. Candy may not be thrown, but can be handed to those standing along the route which will run from First & Main to the elementary school. All Kid­die Parade participants will receive a ribbon.

The Gobels are also re­questing that local groups, individuals and businesses start thinking about their parade entries. Last year's parade boasted 45 entries and they would like to beat that number this year. "We'd especially like to see more businesses get involved," said Walt Gobel. Prizes and ribbons will be awarded in various categories. An ap­plication form may be found under "Events," then "Cel­ebration Days" on the website. Forms may also be found under "Notes" on the Waits­burg Times Facebook Page.

Nominations for Parade Marshals are also requested. Nominees should be indi­viduals or couples who have contributed a great deal to the community, especially those who have been involved in the Days of Real Sport of Celebration Days. Nomina­tion letters may be mailed to: The Gobels, PO Box 127, Waitsburg, WA 99361. The parade committee will vote on the winner. The deadline for Parade Marshal nomi­nations is April 15. Email Walt and Gwen at waltand­ or call at 509-337-9177 for questions regarding the parade or mar­shal nominations.


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