Ten Years Ago
April 15, 2004
Three WHS football players that played for the Cards last fall were recently recognized in the All State circles, according to Jeff Bartlow, head coach of the Waitsburg High School football program. Brandon Cole was honored as an Associated Press All State "Honorable Mention" selection at linebacker. "He was a player that we could put into a lot of different situations defensively," Bartlow said. "That versatility helped him get recognized." Coaches statewide recognized Kurtis Reser and Travis Mason as alternates to play in the East West All Star Game this summer in Yakima.
John David Hockersmith had a busy weekend. He bagged his limit of two turkeys, showed a dog at the Junior Livestock Show, then played fiddle with the Blue Mountain Troublemakers. What did you do?
Cardinal high jumper Natasha Montgomery made a literal quantum leap at the Milton-Freewater Carnival of Speed last Friday, bettering her personal best by 10 inches and setting a new meet record with a 5-7 mark in the high jump.
Twenty-five Years Ago
April 13, 1989
Two veteran area farmers, Don Thomas of Waitsburg and Jack Penner of Dayton, are combining forces this weekend for Old-Time Plow Days on Saturday and Sunday, April 15 and 16. The event will feature plowing done the old fashioned way, with horse and mule teams, and a lot of muscle on the part of the driver.
Waitsburg Lions Club talked about helping to assist the new Little League program with uniforms and equipment, and will await a report from Guy McCaw about what the tab will be. McCaw told the Lions that at the Tuesday turnout, 21 young people turned out for the first meeting in the 9-12 age group, and 26 in the age 7-9 group. He said this means that there will be at least two teams, with the possibility of three. He said since it is a new program, it will involve all new uniforms and equipment.
Fifty Years Ago
April 10, 1964
Glen Hofer spoke to the Waitsburg Lions Club on Wednesday, April 8 about his recent trips to Washington, D.C. and his experiences thre meeting with congressional representatives. Glen represented the Washington Association of Wheat Growers, and went on his legislative jaunt to try to get some points in the pending bill changed.
Tom Land, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Land, is Valedictorian of the 1964 Waitsburg High school graduation class. John DuPree, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert DuPreewas named Salutatorian.
Last Tuesday was a "fun" night at Commercial Club as several substantial "belly laughts" were generated. Gerry Maib announced a "Cardio-vascular" course to be held at the Columbia Basin Jr. College in Pasco on April 18. At first blush it sounded like the Republican's answer to Medicare - and there's no reason it shouldn't be successful. Those who are hardy enough to live through this "do-it-yourself" doctoring phase shouldn't fall ill easily during their retirement days.
Seventy-five Years Ago
April 14, 1939
One a reed-cheeked Pippin, and one a Yellow Bellflower, apple trees planted in 1860, by Abner T. Lloyd, are still bearing fruit, located on what is now Mrs. M. H. Land's place east of town.
The Progresssive Club met with Mrs. Donald Caughey on Tuesday afternoon. Following the business session, Mrs. Clarence Eaton was in charge of the program. Mrs. Percy Hastings gave a most interesting paper on "From Grains of Wheat to a Loaf of Breat" which was in preparation to a visit to Preston-Shaffer Mill.
A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Oakley Kendall of Huntsville Saturday. Mrs. Kendall is in the Walla Walla General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. S. A. Wilson entertained their children and families and a few invited guests with an Easter Day dinner, the occasion being their 55th wedding anniversary; also Mrs. Wilson's 78th birthday which was April 8.
One Hundred Years Ago
April 17. 1914
The Ladies Progressive Reading Club will meet with Mrs. Mary Murphy Saturday afternoon at 2:30. Mrs. McCoy is the leader and the subject being "The Town Beautiful." Miss Wilma Shaffer will show stereopticon views of Yellowstone Park and the High School Glee Club has been invited to sing. A full attendance is desired.
Fred Aldrich and wife visited at R. M. Jonas' home Saturday night after attending the horse show in Dayton Saturday.
A force of men and teams with a county road grader has just completed the grading of Garden Street, which makes a decided improvement in this long-neglected roadway; over what was formerly known as the China garden. The owners of the property abutting the street generously moved their fences back a few feet, thus widening the way and it now looks like a regular street.
One Hundred Twenty-five Years Ago
April 19, 1889
Hon. Jack Frost made this part of the moral vineyard as unwelcome visit on Saturday night last, but departed without doing much damage. Only the most tender vegetation was nipped, and that but very slightly.
Born near Smith Springs April 6, to the wife of A. J. McCulloch, a daughter.
A large number of Mrs. W. N. Smith's friends gave her a very pleasant surprise on the evening of the 11th inst., it being her forty-ninth birthday anniversary. The surprisers took with them an elegant collation, which added much to the pleasures of the evening.
Complaint is made that the cemetery gates are often left open, and that stock gets in and does damage to the growing shrubbery. All parties who enter the sacred precincts of the city of the dead should be careful to see that the gates are closed and securely fastened on leaving.
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