WAITSBURG - Routes were set, T-shirts and posters were designed, an insurance waiver - believed to be the biggest obstacle - was in hand. But then the Waitsburg Celebration Days (WCD) Committee learned that the planned May 17 Dead Man's Hand ATV Poker Run was not approved to take place on Walla Walla County roads.
An April 29 letter to the committee from County Commissioner Perry Dozier explained that the Walla Walla County Public Works Department had denied the request. WCD organizers quickly moved to "Plan B," which they're hoping will allow even more people to participate and help pave the way to make the original event possible next year.
WCD board member Karen Mohney approached Walla Walla city planners last year about the event and was reportedly told that it looked good, but that getting the necessary insurance would be a challenge.
"Lisa Naylor spent six months working on getting the insurance. There are a lot of hoops to jump through and it's not easy to do," said Mohney. With the insurance waiver finally in hand, paperwork was submitted to Walla Walla and Columbia Counties in mid April. Columbia County approved the ride, but the event didn't fare as well in Walla Walla County.
Dozier's letter states that the request was denied by the Walla Walla County Public Works department in response to RCW 46.09.455 (c)(i) which states that ATVs may not be operated on public county roadways in a county with a population of fifteen thousand or more unless the county by ordinance has approved the operation.
Such ordinances must go before a public hearing before adoption, which requires at least ten days' legal notice. Dozier also referenced ESHB 1622, which states that ATVs are only allowed on roadways with speed limits of 35 mph or less and that some of the proposed roads have posted speed limits in excess of 35 mph.
"Due consideration must be given to such an important matter, and sufficient time allotted for public input is both a requirement and a must to determine the best course of action for all citizens of our county," said Dozier. He also acknowledged the hard work and effort put forth by event organizers and wished them the best of luck with this year's event.
In spite of the road bump, WCD organizers worked quickly to reformat the race. Mohney said the ride has now become an in-city GPS Poker Run. The run will still focus on ATV's, but participants are welcome to use golf carts, horses, motorcycles, or bicycles - all modes of transportation are welcome. Participants may pre-register with Karen Mohney by emailing bluecrystal@gotvc.net or register at check-in. The cost of one poker hand is $10, but riders may purchase a second hand for an additional $10.
Participants will check in at Rankin Park (north of the Main Street bridge) at 9 a.m. where they will each receive a list of GPS coordinates leading to Poker Run points. (Those without a GPS device may choose to receive a set of clues instead.) After one pass through the parade, riders will head out in search of the poker card stops. Everyone may ride, but only those 18 and over may participate in the poker portion of the event. Once the cards are collected, riders will head to the fairgrounds where they can earn extra cards with a pass through the mud pit and will play their poker hands.
It is estimated that riders will return around 1 p.m. and winners will be announced at 2 p.m. ATV games, a mud pit and the Brew Fest will be taking place at the fairgrounds from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Duck Derby winners will be announced at 3 p.m. and the Brew Fest People's Choice Award will be announced at 4 p.m.
"We are really hoping that people come out and support the community and the event in spite of the change in plans," said Mohney, who isn't giving up on the county road run.
"After Celebration Days, we'll take a little pause, then get started in June to get all our ducks in a row for an even longer ride next year," she said.
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