Ten Years Ago May 13, 2004
Thirteen students from Christine Pearson's 2003-2003 sixth grade class boarded a school bus in Waitsburg last Thursday, heading to Ft. Lewis to join family and friends in welcoming home the 159th aviation reiment from a year-long tour in Iraq.
Jessica Huxoll trailed Asotin's Rachel Gundy for most of the anchor leg of the girls' 4X400, then caught her at the finish line, edging the Asotin team by one-one hundredth of a second for second place. Other members of the team are Natasha Montgomery, Brittany Zuger and Haly Ingle. Waitsburg's time was 4:27:96. Twenty-Five Years Ago
May 11, 1989
Commencement exercises for the Waitsburg High School class of '89 will be held Thursday evening, May 25th at 8 p.m. in the high school auditorium. Scott Hagerman will be the valedictorian; Shane Smith is salutatorian; Denise Davison has been chosen student speaker; and Shelly Renick is the faculty speaker.
About six acres of grapes were being planted on the McKibben Whiskey Creek Ranch by the crew of Turk and Brad Ely. Several different varieties are being planted, with the starts coming in part from the Hogue Wine Cellars. McKibben said grapes should do well in this area because it gets the rainfall needed. Eventual plans for this new vineyard will be a drip irrigation system. Fifty Years Ago
May 8, 1964
Word comes back to Waitsburg via phone this week that the FFA boys are doing well at the Livestock Show in Spokane. Gary Thomas has taken a Reserve Grand Champion in the Angus class, Jim Bloor and Norman Hansen have both taken blue ribbons in the Angus class, and Jerry Wood received a red ribbon for his Shorthorn. Full results will be published next week.
Airborne this past Tuesday for a quick trip to Yakima was Darrell Syferd and his young son, David. This was David's first flight and his comments should be good.
Howard Packer, Waitsburg merchant since 1936, has been selected as parade marshal for the 1964 Days of Real Sport parade to be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, May 30. Mr. Packer has worked with the committees on a successful racing event for the past 28 years. Seventy-Five Years Ago
May 12, 1939
Mr. and Mrs. Al Laufer, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Bains, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Land and family went on a fishing trip Sunday up Wolfe Creek. They report a successful day with plenty of fish for their dinner.
Mrs. Laura McCown has been confined to her bed for several days from a fall which she received while out in her yard. No bones were broken but she was badly shaken up.
Donna Laughery, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lee Laughery, was taken very ill with apuendicitis [sic] and entered St. Mary's hospital where the operation was performed.
Mr. and Mrs. George Bateman had the Rinehart clan as their guests over Saturday and Sunday.
Glen Phillips, well-known in this city, has just accepted the position as manager of the Standard Oil distributing station succeeding D. L. Hagev, who has resigned. One Hundred Years Ago
May 15, 1914
A. G. Loundagin arrived home Sunday from Chesaw, Wash., where he has been looking after the development work on the Reco mine for several months. Pete is more than pleased with the showing made during the past few weeks and says there is no question now about there being a mine there.
O. L. Denney purchased last week a 6-passenger Hudson and thus becomes one of a long procession of new drivers this season. One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
May 17, 1889
Strayed - From Waitsburg April 8 one red cow 6 years old, branded "66". When she left she had a bell on, tied on with a rope. The cow is probably fresh by this time, or at least in a short time. A reward of $5.00 will be paid for the return of said cow to Wiskersham & Smylie, Waitsburg, W.T.
Mr. Bruch lost a valuable horse last Saturday night, caused by being badly cut on a barbed wire.
Grandma Labban, who has been speechless and helpless for nearly a year, was able to take a short ride in a buggy on Monday.
A little child of Mr. and Mrs. Merklings above Huntsville a few days ago about scared its parents to death by taking a swill of turpentine as a beverage. Dr. Hudgin was called and all is now serenity in the Merkling family. A miss is as good as a mile.
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