Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Waitsburg Schools Rank High, Low

WAITSBURG - Waitsburg High School is no stranger to the Washington State Achievement Award list, earning the Overall Excellence Award four times - awarded to the top 5% of schools -- as well as awards in a number of other cat­egories. Preston Hall Junior High joined WHS on the award list for the first time year with state recognition for High Progress and Math Growth.

Waitsburg Elementary School was also a first-time state list maker this year - on another kind of list. Waitsburg Elementary has been categorized as a 2014-15 Priority School, among the lowest 5% of schools, according to state standards.

Struggling schools are categorized as either Focus Schools or Priority Schools. A Priority rating is earned when a school's combined Math/Reading proficiency scores re­main below 40% over three years. A 3-year graduation rate of less than 60% will also result in a Priority ranking.

Focus Schools are those in which English Language Learners (ELL) or Students with Disabilities (SWD) -- those receiving special education services -- have an average combined proficien­cy rating in Reading/Math of 13.58% or under, over three years. Focus Schools may also be ranked for poor graduation rates.

Four Walla Walla schools ranked as Focus Schools this year: Edison Elemen­tary (ELL), Garrison Middle School (ELL,SWD), Pio­neer Middle School (ELL), and Sharpstein Elementary School (SWD).

"It is true that over the past three years our elemen­tary students did not perform well on the state assess­ments. It is important to remember the state test is only one measure of student achievement," said Waits­burg Superintendent Dr. Carol Clarke. "We do moni­tor student growth through­out the year on a regular basis and do have other data sources to show there are some gains."

Clarke cited the recent high school and middle school Achievement Awards as evidence that, by coordi­nating the program of study between schools, the district has been successful overall. "As we work together as a district, we are able to identify areas for growth and make adjustments in our programs and services such that our students are able to meet standards and gradu­ate," she said.

As a Priority School Waitsburg Elementary will be required to engage in ac­tion planning and identify key strategies for school suc­cess. Implementation of the strategies will be monitored and evaluated over the next three years. The school will also receive the support of a leadership coach and may receive additional funding for staff development to bet­ter provide for the learning needs of students.


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