WAITSBURG - Waitsburg High School is no stranger to the Washington State Achievement Award list, earning the Overall Excellence Award four times - awarded to the top 5% of schools -- as well as awards in a number of other categories. Preston Hall Junior High joined WHS on the award list for the first time year with state recognition for High Progress and Math Growth.
Waitsburg Elementary School was also a first-time state list maker this year - on another kind of list. Waitsburg Elementary has been categorized as a 2014-15 Priority School, among the lowest 5% of schools, according to state standards.
Struggling schools are categorized as either Focus Schools or Priority Schools. A Priority rating is earned when a school's combined Math/Reading proficiency scores remain below 40% over three years. A 3-year graduation rate of less than 60% will also result in a Priority ranking.
Focus Schools are those in which English Language Learners (ELL) or Students with Disabilities (SWD) -- those receiving special education services -- have an average combined proficiency rating in Reading/Math of 13.58% or under, over three years. Focus Schools may also be ranked for poor graduation rates.
Four Walla Walla schools ranked as Focus Schools this year: Edison Elementary (ELL), Garrison Middle School (ELL,SWD), Pioneer Middle School (ELL), and Sharpstein Elementary School (SWD).
"It is true that over the past three years our elementary students did not perform well on the state assessments. It is important to remember the state test is only one measure of student achievement," said Waitsburg Superintendent Dr. Carol Clarke. "We do monitor student growth throughout the year on a regular basis and do have other data sources to show there are some gains."
Clarke cited the recent high school and middle school Achievement Awards as evidence that, by coordinating the program of study between schools, the district has been successful overall. "As we work together as a district, we are able to identify areas for growth and make adjustments in our programs and services such that our students are able to meet standards and graduate," she said.
As a Priority School Waitsburg Elementary will be required to engage in action planning and identify key strategies for school success. Implementation of the strategies will be monitored and evaluated over the next three years. The school will also receive the support of a leadership coach and may receive additional funding for staff development to better provide for the learning needs of students.
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