Ten Years Ago
June 10, 2004
Bill Bloor, former City Attorney for the City of Waitsburg and member of the Waitsburg Schools Board of Directors was honored last Friday by Mayor Marty Dunn and Superintendent Robbie Johnson for his service to city government and the schools. Bloor is now chief counsel for the City of Port Angeles and was in Waitsburg for his last official act as a board member, handing diplomas to the Class of 2004, of which his son Ben is a member.
Waitsburg Lions Club officers for the 2004-05 year are board members Loyal Baker, Guy McCaw, Neil Carpenter, and Ted Bren; Jim Wilson, treasurer; Larry Johnson, secretary; Marty Dunn, first vice president; J.E. McCaw, second vice president; and Robbie Johnson, president. Lion of the Year honors were presented to Ken Cole, Jr. by outgoing president Ross Hamann.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
June 8, 1989
It was a day of mixed emotions for Velma Sickles as she received flowers, a plaque and along with Husband Bob, a gala weekend in Coeur D'Alene at the resort. Velma is retiring this year after 21 years as Grade School Secretary. She said it has been lots of fun seeing several "generations" of school children going through.
Josh Wood had the Grand Champion swine of the Spokane Junior Livestock Show, and Amy Branson's Hampshire- Duroc crossbred received Reserve Grand Champion in the carcass content competition. The animals were purchased from Bill Ritter of Prescott. Dwight Pennner also had a blue ribbon pig with a bloodline which was from Ritter's stock.
Fifty Years Ago
June 5, 1964
The dawn's early light last Friday morning found a new set of decorations at the high school - on trees, bushes, and almost everything else. It was a lasting memorial from the Class of '64, but no doubt the ones who will remember it best is Burton Stewart whose task it was to clean it all up. One local pundit made this observation "The Seniors were finishing up their night lab in citizenship."
Troop 336 held a Court of Honor on May 28, Larry Broom, chairman, was in charge. Highlight of the evening was presentation of Life rank to Ron Miller. Pete Rohde received rank of First Class Scout. Second class awards were given to Randy Pearson and Ed Sickles. Roy Leid was given recognition for ten years continuous service as a troop leader, by chairman Larry Broom.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
June 9, 1939
Four students from Waitsburg received degrees at the 43rd annual Commencement Exercises at Washington State College. They are Ted Jones, Winifred Conover, Herbert Butler and Robert McCoy.
Waitsburg sent quite a large delegation to the Milton Pea Festival last Saturday, including our band, under the leadership of C. S. Malone, Queen Aldine Smith and her attendants, Gloria Jeanne Ray and Velma Miller.
Mr. and Mrs. Glen Smith, accompanied by Miss Lizzie Ibberson of this city and Mrs. Erma Preston of Seattle spent Sunday at Wallowa Lake. The snow is still pretty far down on the mountain-side.
One Hundred Years Ago
June 12, 1914
James Archer and family, who are among our most successful farmers, this week moved into their new farm home which has just been completed and which is one of the best-looking and most convenient homes in the community.
G. P. Shuford this week purchased the C. E. Bateman residence property on East Sixth Street. Consideration $1250.
Smith Hoops who has the contract for painting the new John McDonald house is getting pretty well through.
James Wait, the well-known florist of Walla Walla, has accepted the invitation of the Floricultural Society to act as judge at the Second Annual Rose Show, Saturday of next week.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
June 14, 1889
A lot has been purchased just east of the M. E. Church, and a house is being erected for the destitute Maroon family. But why did the committee having the matter in charge have to select such an unhealthy location for a sick man.
James Wickersham informs us that about 100 persons have landed in Waitsburg from Franklin County, Kansas, his old home since his arrival here a little over a year ago. Mr. Wickersham is a good immigration agent.
Only a few days now until the framers of the constitution for the future State of Washington will convene at Olympia and begin their labors.
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