Ten Years Ago
June 17, 2004
The Walla Walla Stars don't play for money. They don't have shoe deals, or sports drink endorsements, and no one is lined up to get their autographs. However, these young players are starting to earn a reputation as local heroes. The Stars are a semi-professional football team composed of 39 players including local stars Brandon Neal-Tate, Jeromie Leroue, all of Waitsburg, Cody Chapman, Curtis Latour, and Greg Korsberg, all of Dayton and Sam Erwin from Prescott. Prescott's own Paul Counts is the assistant coach.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
June 15, 1989
The fourth annual Lions Softball Bash is set to begin Friday night at 7:00 p.m. at the softball complex at the racetrack. Guy McCaw, speaking from Softball Central Information, said sixteen teams are set to vie for the trophy hardware.
Fifty Years Ago
June 12, 1964
The best run of the season to date began at the Green Giant Co. in Waitsburg Tuesday when the plant started operations at 11:00 a.m. and continued through the night shift and through Wednesday. Continued good weather following an excellent rainfall has helped the crop.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
June 16, 1939
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Roberts, Ralph Danielson and his sister, Gladys, members of the Waitsburg Grange, left Friday morning for Vancouver, Wash. to attend the Annual Convention of the State Grange which opened officially Tuesday morning.
Mary Elizabeth Walker has been selected as a member of the 1939 Royal Family of the Southeastern Washington Fair.
Emory McCown was on the street on crutches Monday as a result of a cow crowding him against the manger, crushing a bone and bruising the leg in general.
One Hundred Years Ago
June 19, 1914
There is to be a picnic on Jasper Mountain Saturday, July 4 at the Segraves Hall and John Segraves who is some rustler is arranging an entertaining program for all those who desire to spend the National Holiday in the cooling breezes of the pines.
Fire starting in the incubator room at the I. D. Casey & Sons Star Poultry Farm in the city did $3,000 damage early Monday morning. The fire was discovered at 3:30 o'clock but nothing could be done to save the mammoth incubator and equipment or any part of the long building.
J. H. Andrews, brakeman on the Dayton-Walla Walla mixed train, let a bull wheel of a headed fall upon his foot Tuesday evening while loading the wheel. The foot was quite badly damaged, but the old sport said it didn't appear to hurt the wheel any.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
June 21, 1889
The Bank of Waitsburg opened its doors for business this morning. They have a neat, comfortable and convenient building with all modern improvements including a burglarproof time-lock safe.
W. E. Maxwell's barn took fire in the hayloft yesterday morning and but for a man being nearby, the big barn with $2000 worth of contents would have gone up in smoke. It is supposed that mice set it with matches.
J. H. James is not only a first-class barber, but he is a boss fisherman as well. He attended camp meeting at Shilah yesterday and caught 154 trout - enough to supply most of the campers.
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