Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Jacoy wins Melvin Jones Award

WAITSBURG - The Waitsburg Lions wrapped up their year at an annual meeting last month where they installed a new slate of officers and presented awards. Mike Bergevin received this year's Lion of the Year Award and Terry Jacoy received the prestigious Melvin Jones Award.

"The Melvin Jones Award is the highest award in Lionism," said Past President Guy McCaw. The award was founded in 1973 in honor of Melvin Jones, who founded Lions clubs International in 1971.

Jones owned his own insurance agency in Chicago and was secretary for a Business Circle. He realized that if these business men, who were successful because of their drive, intelligence and ambition were to focus on improving communities, they could have a major impact. Jones founded Lions Clubs for that reason and he eventually abandoned his practice to devote himself full time to the club's leadership.

In order to present a Melvin Jones Award, a club must donate $1,000 to Lions Club International. McCaw says the Waitsburg Lions give an award most years except when they are strapped for funds, such as when they were constructing their new building.

"We're happy to give and want to support it whenever we can," said McCaw, who noted that the community has also been on the receiving end of the funds. "When the 1996 flood came through, the swimming pool was heavily damaged and we received about $42,000 from the Lions Club International Foundation toward repairs."

"The award isn't just for what people do in Lions Club, but for what they do in the community, and Terry is very deserving," said McCaw. "He's helped with every Lions function known to man!"

Jacoy said he became a Lion when he moved to town in 1977 and was sponsored by Jim Helm, who owned the grocery store at the time. He recalls the original Lions Club turkey cook that took place on the Bruce House lawn. "We would have a liver and gizzard dinner the night before and a lot of people would come," said Jacoy. He also helped make much of the original equipment for the salmon feed that is still used today.

The former Commercial Club Citizen of the Year worked as Office Manager at McGregor Company, a company known for its community service, until 2010. He was a school board member for "22 or 24 years" and helped with the Days of Real Sport for 30 years. Jacoy cooked burgers, set up stalls and acted as general gofer for DRS until Don Thomas and Herman Gohlman convinced him to join the board. He became DRS treasurer in 1985 and remained in that position until the races ended in 2010 and he was named the last DRS Parade Marshal. An article in The Times described Jacoy as "one of the longest serving DRS contributors to earn the title."

Mike Bergevin received the Lion of the Year Award for his active involvement and commitment to the club since his move to Waitsburg. "He took on the position of secretary this year and anyone who does that deserves the award for that alone!" said McCaw.

The new Lions Club slate of officers is:

President: Brian Richards

First Vice President: Neil Carpenter

Second Vice President: Walt Gobel

Third Vice President: Randy Farley

Secretary: Mike Bergevin

Treasurer: Kevin House

Tail Twister: Guy McCaw


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