DAYTON - Ensign Sara Schlachter was commissioned as an officer the United States Navy Sunday afternoon during a ceremony at the Columbia County Courthouse here.
Schlachter, 26, and a 2008 Dayton High School graduate, was given her oath by State Representative Terry Nealey in front of the courthouse steps. Members of Dayton's American Legion Post 42 presented colors and stood by as her oath was taken. A crowd, including Schlachter's parents, Alan and Terri, and several other Legion members, looked on.
Before administering the oath, Nealey described his experience, being commissioned at WSU as an Army officer in the 1960s.
Schlachter will serve as a nurse in San Diego, beginning in October. She graduated this spring with a Nursing degree from Washington State University School of Nursing in Spokane. She also received an Honors Degree from Eastern Washington University, where she studied prior to entering the WSU nursing program.
In August, Schlachter will travel to Rhode Island, where she will attend Officer Development School for five weeks. "We'll learn about the Navy and its history and practices," she said.
She will spend at least three years in San Diego, she said, and at least five years in active duty.
"Right now, I plan spend my career in the Navy," Schlachter said. "But that could change, depending on how well I like it."
Schlachter said her job will be similar to that of a civilian nurse, working in a hospital taking care of patients. In her case, however, the patients will be service men and women in the Navy and Marines, many of whom were injured overseas.
After her stint in San Diego, Schlachter said she will likely move to another Navy hospital, perhaps overseas.
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