WAITSBURG - "Can I see you put some fruit or a vegetable on your plate? How about an orange?" encouraged a smiling Susan Wildey. The Summer Food Services Program Supervisor laughed as she turned her attention to the trio of boys anxiously awaiting seconds. "You beasts! Five more minutes and you're first in line."
Waitsburg's first Summer Food Program has been a hit with many local kids, but Wildey says numbers will need to double in order to ensure the program continues next year. State reimbursement is based on meals sold and those numbers will need to increase in order to cover the cost of administration and utilities. Wildey says she knows a number of families who could benefit from the program that aren't taking advantage of it.
"It's such a great program. The kids get a good lunch, but they also get to socialize and reconnect with friends. A lot of times the kids will go outside and play together on the playground after lunch," she said. Wildey is also pleased to see older and younger children sitting together during the meal. "The younger kids really look up to the older kids, so it's a neat opportunity that way."
So far, the program has averaged about 20 kids for breakfast and 30 for lunch. Wildey said numbers have been a bit higher this week. She's not sure if word is getting around or if the start of school reading programs may account for the difference.
When The Times visited on Tuesday, about 35 kids - ranging in age from three to 18 -- dropped in for lunch. High schoolers took a quick break from work to grab a bite to eat or came in with children they were babysitting. Wildey says she makes a point to serve "kid friendly, fun" lunches "not just tuna sandwiches." Tuesday's meal consisted of ham & cheese pizza, fresh veggies, oranges and milk. When one child said they were unable to eat cheese, Wildey quickly grabbed a peanut butter and jelly Uncrustable from the refrigerator.
The District is hopeful that more children will take advantage of the program and eat lunch after the resource center's Knock Out Boredom programs that begin next week. Wildey also said she thinks some people are under the impression that the program is for low income or needy families. "That's not the case at all," she said. She also emphasized the fact that children aren't required to provide any personal information. The program simply reports a tally of meals served.
"Kids are welcome to bring visitors, too." said Wildley. In fact, she said she'd seen several people come through that she didn't recognize. Anyone can visit the state website at www.k12,wa.us/childnutrition/programs/ SummerPrograms and they will find a link to enter their zip code to find a free meal site.
Currently, Waitsburg and Dayton offer free programs through their respective school districts and Prescott schools offer free lunch through a City of Walla Walla Parks and Recreation sponsorship.
Dayton's Summer Food Service Supervisor Becky Kessinger said the program has been running in Dayton since the 1980's. This year she has been averaging 40 meals for breakfast and 95 to 100 meals for lunch. Numbers have varied over the years, depending on how many children participate in Dayton's Summer Recreation Program. Those participants - which number about 60 this year - eat lunch at school as part of that program.
In Dayton, parents may eat with their children if they purchase their own meal. Breakfasts are $2 and lunches are $3.50 for adults. Wildey said it may be possible for Waitsburg to offer that option in the future if she receives feedback that it is something parents would like, but so far she hasn't seen many parents.
"It's a fun environment and the kids enjoy it. If we don't use it as a community, we'll lose it," she said.
Local free meal programs include:
Waitsburg Elementary School
184 Academy Street, Waitsburg
Monday - Friday
Breakfast 8 - 8:30 a.m.
Lunch: 11:30 - noon
Dayton Elementary
302 E. Park Street, Dayton
Monday - Friday
Breakfast: 7:30 - 8:30 a.m.
Lunch: 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.
Prescott Schools
207 S. A Street, Prescott
Monday - Thursday
Lunch: 11:30 to noon
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