Ten Years Ago
July 8, 2004
Carol Clarke believes her experiences in every aspect of the educational field will give her a unique perspective in her new role of superintendent. Dr. Clarke, who replaces Robert Johnson as the Elementary School Principal and District Superintendent, started o the job this week.
Two weekends ago a small group of local 10 and 11 year olds made their way to Spokane for one of Spokane's most exciting events; Hoopfest. Waitsburg's Seth Deal, Tre Brannock, Zach Bartlow, and Justin Zuger formed the "Four Aces," a three-on-three team coached by Jeff Bartlow.
Twenty-Five Years Ago
July 6, 1989
Waitsburg entertainment buffs will be pleased to know that the Walla Walla Community College Foundation production of "Oliver" has a Waitsburg tie-in. Cam Pearson, son of Dr. Stan Pearson, Jr., and grandson of A. S. and Pauline Pearson, will be one of the two leading characters playing young Oliver in the musical.
Don Thomas had his own wagon in the Prescott Centennial Parade, just maybe because he is a graduate of Prescott High School. His mules stepped right lively.
Some 101 people attended the meeting held last Thursday by the Rural Retirement Housing Services. The response to the questionnaire was favorable, and local development coordinator J.W. "Buffalo Bill" Thompson said that the group will proceed in planning.
Fifty Years Ago
July 3, 1964
As a starter, there are several people who have mentioned to me that they have sort of a left-out feeling because their names, of the names of some of their offspring have been inadvertently left out of our list of Birthday names. If you are one of these, please call us at the Ties office, and get your name on the list. It's not only helpful for those who want to wish you well, but it is a good spy network for those Sunday - School Superintendents who like to sing "Happy Birthday" to reluctant students during Sunday morning exercises.
[From Reflections by Tom Baker] This issue of the Times marks the first under a new publisher since 1942 when Carl and Virginia Dilts purchased the paper from Mrs. Emerson Wheeler.
Seventy-Five Years Ago
July 7, 1939
The engagement of Miss Delores Olds, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Olds of Milton to Herman Gohlman was announced at an informal party at the Old's home.
The Misses Mary Jane Johnson, Mary Hirsch, Jacqueline Alexander and Janice Roberts returned home Sunday after a pleasant week spent at Camp Kiwanis on Mill Creek under the auspices of the Walla Walla Camp Fire Girls.
The body of Mrs. Ella Steele was found dead in her bed Tuesday morning at her home, corner of Orchard and West Sixth Street.
The several canneries in the Walla Walla and Touchet valleys will be in full operation immediately after July 4, about 10 days behind the usual starting time.
One Hundred Years Ago
July 10, 1914
Several threshing crews have already been started up in this locality this week and within a few days harvest operations will become quite general as the extremem heat of the past week is ripening the wheat very rapidly.
C. R. James and Ed Buroker are on a fishing trip this week on the headwaters of the Touchet.
George W. Archer, formerly of this city and well known here, was murdered by a tramp near Harrison, Idaho, on Monday, June 6, being shot twice through the heart and once through the lungs.
The family of W. G. Shuham and Mrs. D. P. Hayes, sister of Mrs. Shuham, will go into camp at Thayer's Mill on the Touchet Friday.
One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago
July 5, 1889
W. J. Loundagin's express wagon will not run on the 4th.
P. M. Tucker and his family will go to the mountains this afternoon on a rustigating trip.
Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Arnold and two youngest children left today for the Sound country.
The pound made another good catch last night - one horse, two calves, one cow and a bull.
Dr. W. J. McLean and D. V. Wood left today for Waterville on a prospecting tour. They will be gone about two weeks.
Frank Parton informs us that it is impossible for his firm to get cars for shipping flour as fast as orders come in. But why should there be a scarcity of cars at this time of year?
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