Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

July 15, 2004

Three Waitsburg students made the most of the 2004 Evergreen Boys State, taking advantage of both its seriousness and its opportunities for fun. Representing Waitsburg last month at Central Washington University were Gabe Kiefel, the son of Michael and Kristi Kiefel; Brad Huffman, the son of Dena Wood of Waitsburg and Tim Huffman, Monmouth, Ore., and Matt Baker, the son of Loyal and Kathy Baker.

Seaman Jarod Gagnon, son of Louis and Marie Gagnon of Waitsburg, graduated recently from Coast Guard basic training in Cape May, New Jersey.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

July 13, 1989

Angela Ferguson, daughter of Rick and Terry Ferguson of Waitsburg, has been named "Outstanding Young Granger for the Washington State Grange for 1989." A junior at Waitsburg high school, Angela has been active in the Grange since she was 7 years old.

Ed Larsen called Tuesday with some good news about son, Todd, who was injured in a car mishap in Montana on July 2. Todd will be released from Swedish Hospital in Seattle on Friday, and will return to Waitsburg where, according to his father, he will be "under house arrest" for a period of time.

Tom Longo, of Duvall, Washington, was hired this week to serve as Marshal for the City of Waitsburg.

Fifty Years Ago

July 10, 1964

Rumor has it that Roy Reed and Fred Sprankel are going to quit attending shots sponsored by Waitsburg Rifle and Pistol club if the club continues to refuse to award a booby prize.

Lee Mantz, Sr. presently is working as the local pharmacist while the Bill Petersons are vacationing.

Quotable: Roy Leid gave me the description of a small town - A place where people talk about you when you are well, and take care of you when you are sick.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

July 14, 1939

Sheriff C. A. Woodward has started his annual wheat patrol parties. This makes the fourth consecutive year that this protection to farmers has been given by the sheriff's office.

Mr. and Mrs. Will Harris returned home last Thursday from a very interesting trip of three week's duration.

Four young ladies from the Methodist Church left Monday morning for the youth camp on the Tucannon. They were the Misses Elizabeth Sutton, Frances Craig, Doris Johnson and Verna Bains.

The Misses Virginia Rinehart, Mary Elizabeth Walker, Joan Hamilton, Gloria Jeanne Ray, Helen Lloyd and Alice Leid, and Mrs. Gene Ray attended the 13th annual Grand Assembly of Rainbow Girls in Tacoma. They made the trip by chartered bus.

One Hundred Years Ago

July 17, 1914

The funeral for the late Charles N. De- Lorimier took place Sunday afternoon at 3 o'clock at the Masonic Temple, under the direction of Waitsburg Lodge No. 16, F.&A.M. of which order he had been a member for several years.

King Witt, of McKay, has just completed one of the first cisterns in the county. It is of concrete and is built on an elevation, so that the water pressure at the house and barn is very heavy.

Rev. Ellis Harris and family J. D. Taggard and family, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Buroker have gone into Camp Thayer's Mill on the Touchet.

Postmistress Anna Arnold left Monday for an outing at Wallowa Lake, Oregon. She was accompanied by Miss Jennie McKinney of Walla Walla. They expect to remain until about the first of the month.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

July 12, 1889

Died -At his residence on the Territorial Road, Monday, July 8, 1889, Mr. F. P. Kinder, aged 60 years, 2 months, and 2 days. The funeral will be held tomorrow at three o'clock. As he was an honored member of the noble order, he will be buried with Masonic rites. Funeral to be preached at the Christian Church.

Owing to a scarcity of water, A. Vining is not able to keep his street sprinkler going today.

A new wood house is being built in the Christian Church yard.

Born-At Dixie July 5 to the wife of S. M. Sanders, a daughter.

Last Wednesday fire from engines of passing trains destroyed fields of good wheat for William McKinney, Joel Woods, J. C. Wright and Dock Mullinix.

Goldsmith Hammer's little boy, near Huntsville, fell out of a cook-wagon on Tuesday and broke his arm near the elbow. He fell in such a way as to break his arm backward, and the bone cut through the flesh.


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