Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Blackman is Best Sheriff Choice

Dear Editor,

Who is Barry Blackman?

Here are some definitions that describe Barry Blackman and their relevance in his qualifications for Sheriff.

Savvy: defined as a person who has a practical understanding, well informed and perceptive, experienced along with common sense. I believe this has pulled more successful law enforcement officers up through the ranks than any text book regiment could hope for.

Pragmatic: dealing with problems that exist in a specific situation in a reasonable and logical way. Blackman is this from day one. I was present at the Touchet Sheriff Forum (unedited) where the department problems were brought to the floor, a good dose of pragmatism is certainly needed within the department.

Intuitive: Instinctive knowledge or belief, a hunch or unjustified belief. Hold your horses!!! Blackman has a history of hunches that proved valid over the years but maybe our old time TV detective Columbo should keep this title.

Tactful: ability to deal with diverse thinkers and personalities on sensitive matters, understanding what the situation calls for, but not a push over. Blackman can give criticism tactfully.

Trust: firm reliance on the integrity, ability, or character of a person. Blackmans strong point in his career and personal life.

Modest: humble opinion of ones accomplishments or abilities, not excessive.

These are just some the definitions that built Blackmans character. A veteran of the department that has his finger on the community's pulse, from educating our impressionable children to dealing with the most violent gangs that threaten our community. Blackman has a savvy instinct. We need someone that can be tactful and honest with the commissioners. A trustworthy leader representing the department. Pragmatic with our deputies. And yes, intuition, if you got it, use it!

Blackman considered running for Sheriff four years ago, and was urged to do so by many. We knew he was the best qualified man for the job. Then he met John Turner, they shared the same philosophy for the department and in protecting the community. Blackman was modest in his abilities, confident Turner was trustworthy. Now, we have this, a campaign thunderstorm, two veteran challengers and the incumbent, with very good people on all sides, yet with very serious problems at headquarters.

It's time for a change.

Blackman for Sheriffhellip; You Savvy?

Mike Buckley

Walla Walla


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