Board members Randy Pearson, Greg Zuger and Ross Hamann were present. Christy House and Marilyn Johnson were absent.
Athletic Director Report (Stephanie Wooderchak):
-continue to seek assistant volleyball and soccer coaches at the high school level. Concession stand position has also not been filled. Interested parties should contact Stephanie Wooderchak, Dr. Clarke or Susan Deruwe.
- mandatory athlete, coaches and parent meetings are set for August 12
-football and cheer begin Aug. 20; cross-country, soccer and volleyball start Aug. 25
-practice schedules for Aug. and first weeks of Sept. are posted on the District website
Facilities/Maint./Transpo. Report (Colter Mohney):
-received quotes of $4250 to "throw paint on annex" (no special primer or prep.) and quote of $11,000 to prep, prime and paint district house. The quotes from JE Painting were half the prior bid. Board approved painting house and leaving annex as-is. Will schedule painting after Main Street project is completed.
-district is having difficulty finding a suitable replacement for the Montana transport van. Colter will continue searching.
-Don Jackson, who is doing demo on the sidewalk project, is donating 50 yards of dirt for the baseball fields. The dirt is coming from the College Place school district.
Superintendent Report (Carol Clarke):
-the school budget hearing will take place Wed. July 30 at 7p.m. in the Preston Hall board room.
-Projected enrollment is 269 full time equivalent students, which is one more than the year ended at.
-district received notification of excellent results on inspection of school buses
-simplified summer feeding program continues to increase in attendance; current average is 30 for breakfast and 50 for lunch.
-Main Street ADA project will begin July 14 and anticipates finishing July 26.
New Business:
- approved revised graduation requirements and heard first reading of Highly Capable plan.
-approved changes to WP Athletic combine program so that each district will be the fiscal manager for the sports they host. Program costs will still be split 50/50, only accounting responsibilities will change.
-approved an ASB budget extension.
-approved a 1.5 percent raise for 2014-15 school year for classified staff, transportation supervisor and business manager.
-approved hire of Gabe Kiefel as a sixth-grade teacher and J.T. Elsey as head girls basketball coach.
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