Dear Editor,
Be it deliberate or careless, I think Sheriff Turner's detractors have lost their situational awareness (e.g. 7/13 letter in U-B). The records prove Sheriff Turner builds coalitions; he does not divide them. He's bolstered the Search and Rescue team; he initiated the successful Sheriff's Foundation; he's improved communication by hosting quarterly meetings in four of our communities, and he's earned the respect and support of key leaders like Police Chief Chuck Fulton (ret.), and Police Chief Scott Beiber. As the writer eloquently confirmed, Sheriff Turner is poised, charismatic, and articulate. And more: he's community-oriented; he's experienced; he's made verifiable progress in the reduction of crime, and he creates a level of cooperation in our communities few can match.
Importantly, Sheriff Turner is not afraid to uphold the law equitably for everyone, and to say and do what he needs to for the residents' protection and safety. And herein, in my opinion, lies the rub.
I proudly worked for Walla Walla County as Emergency Management Director. I liked my job, though it was increasingly apparent that a few-in-number closed circle of county elected officials formed close ties of loyalty and mutual support. To be clear, to challenge anyone within that circle, even though a proposal had merit, meant trouble. Sheriff Turner challenges the status quo when it needs to be challenged. He isn't afraid to say what needs to be said... and he's met with the same reaction I personally witnessed. If proposals or ideas don't meet the approval of the circle, they are passed over, and the proponent is out of favor.
So I wonderhellip; Did some folks simply not get what they wanted out of the Sheriff? Is the writer of the 7/13 article, along with fellow detractors, attempting to perfect their illusions of the situation, or turn their interpretations into real stories? Do they merely hope to realize the possibilities of propaganda? Whatever the motive -- be it that they are threatened by the expertise and experience of Turner, or that they believe the Sheriff has an unfair advantage over the candidate they support because of Turner's credentials and accomplishments -- they need a healthy dose of reality.
Sheriff John Turner has been accountable to the taxpayers from day one of his service as our Sheriff. He has dramatically improved law enforcement in this community, and his overall qualifications for Sheriff are orders of magnitude over the other candidates. Re-elect Sheriff Turner.
Gayla M. Ernst
Walla Walla
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