DAYTON - When Dayton High School Principal Andy Maheras announced earlier this month that he was leaving to take a new job, he joined a long list of teachers and staff in the Dayton schools who have departed since the end of the school year. Maheras accepted a job as assistant principal at Goldendale High School.
In an interview last week, Dayton School Superintendent Doug Johnson said that a big part of the turnover this year is due to retirements. "When you have a long period of stability, with many long-time teachers, it's inevitable that we would begin to see retirements," he said. "What we'll try to do is to build on the strengths those folks brought and shore up other areas as needed."
Johnson and his staff have already filled many of the open positions, and he says he is pleased with the quality of employees they've been able to attract.
Employee changes this year include:
High School Principal Andy Maheras - Accepted a position in Goldendale, Wash.
Superintendent Johnson says the district plans to hire an interim principal for the 2014/15 school year, and begin a search process in the fall. He hopes to have a permanent principal hired by March 2015
High school ag sciences teacher Steve McLean - Retired
The district has hired Christine Peterschick as its new ag sciences teacher. Peterschick graduated from WSU in 2013 and taught last year in Yelm, WA. "We're really excited to have Christine," Johnson said. "Her father is a longtime ag science teacher at Rosalia. We know she'll do a great job."
High school art teacher Debbie Baxter - Retired
Johnson said that Baxter's position will not be filled, but that high school students will have a variety of ways to fill art credits including choir, digital art and welding art in ag science.
High School English and history teacher Mary Prior - Retired
The school is conducting interviews this week for a new English and/or history teacher.
Elementary teacher Sharon Mendel - Retired
Ginger Bryan, a Dayton resident who has been teaching at Vista Hermosa School, west of Prescott, was hired to replace Mendel and fill one of the multi-grade elementary school classes. Title I teacher Denise Hoon - Retired
Current middle school math teacher Brenda Henderson will take over as Title I teacher, providing extra educational support for elementary and middle schoolers.
The district has hired Niki Noble, a Davenport High School graduate, who taught at Quincy last year, to fill Henderson's middle school position.
ECAP and special ed. preschool teacher Paul Ihle - Resigned
Charlene Waltner, special education teacher for the elementary school, will take over Ihle's position, as well as teaching preschool special ed.
Beth Mertens, who is currently the high school special ed. teacher, will move to the elementary school.
Nichol Utke, middle school special education teacher - Resigned
The district has hired Jody Buzby to serve as middle and high school special education teacher.
High School Secretary Lynn Hutchens - Retired
High school librarian Angie John will take over Hutchens' position. The administration is currently conducting interviews for a new librarian to replace John.
Food Services Superviser Rhonda Hibbs - Contract not renewed
The district will conduct interviews next week for a new food services supervisor.
Bus Driver Del Avery - Retired
Johnson says the district will likely move one of the current substitute bus drivers into Avery's position. It is currently seeking at least one more substitute driver.
In addition to teacher and staff positions, the Dayton schools have also seen some changes in athletic coaches. Jerry Dedloff has been hired to replace Dean Bickelhaupt as head football coach. Dayton will play eight-man football this year in nonleague competition with other schools in southeast Washington. Soccer coach D.J. Frame has resigned, and the district is currently seeking his replacement. Middle school volleyball and football coaches are also being sought.
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