Waitsburg School
Board Special Meeting
Preston Hall Board Room
8 p.m.
The Board of Directors
will review the proposed
2014-15 budget. District
residents are invited to be
heard for or against any part
of the budget. Copies will be
available at the hearing or
can be obtained at the superintendent's office.
YWCA Fun Factory
Preston Park, Waitsburg
2 - 3:30 p.m.
Free fun for kids ages
5-10. Crafts, games and fun
activities. Every Thursday
through July 31.
August 1
F4: First Friday Flick
Prescott Library
Enjoy a movie at the
Prescott Library.
Evening at the Depot:
Farm to Table Dinner
Dayton Historic Depot
6 p.m. social hour; 7 p.m.
Featuring fresh & local
produce, meat, wine and
beers and live music. Tickets
are $75, inclusive. Call (509)
382-2026 for tickets.
Vacation Bible School
Dayton SDA Church
(1525 4th Street)
9 a.m. to noon
Ages 4-13 are invited to
learn about heroes of the
faith at this free five-day
Story Time (every Monday) Weller Public Library,
10:30 a.m. to 11 a.m.
Fuller Center Bicyclists
Dayton First Congregational Church
6 p.m.
Meet the group of bicyclists riding from Atlantic
City, NJ to Astoria, OR to
raise money to end housing
poverty issues. Community
members welcome.
Acupuncture and Eastern Asian Medicine Presentation Prescott Lion's Hall
7 p.m.
A presentation for teens
and adults hosted by the
Prescott Library.
Dayton Boosters
High School Library
7 p.m.
Vacation Bible School
First Congregational Church (3rd & Spring
Streets, Dayton)
9 a.m. to noon, T,W,Th; 9
a.m. to 11 on Friday.
Ages 4-12 are welcome.
The theme is Renew - Grow
in Faith. Have Fun. Change
the World. Call 382-2471
or email daytonfirstcong@
gmail.com for more info.
Waitsburg Senior
Round Table
Waitsburg Presbyterian
11:30 p.m.
Join local seniors every
Tuesday for lunch. $4 suggested donation for those
over 60. $7 charge for guests
under 60. Meals on Wheels
are available. Call 337-8541
for more info.
Dayton Senior Round
Senior Center (403 E.
Patit St.)
Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Meals are $4 for those over
60 and $7 for those under 60.
Enjoy a hot meal in a social
setting. Play pool, cards or
spend time visiting. Call
382-2836 to RSVP by the
day prior.
Story Time (every Tuesday) Prescott Library
2:30 p.m.
Crafts and stories geared
to preschool children, but all
ages are welcome.
National Night Out
Dayton City Park
5-8 p.m.
Free hot dogs, chips and
drinks will be served, and
more than 30 displays and
informational exhibits will
be presented in the park.
Free swimming and a movie. See Page 10 for more
Wii Night
Prescott Library
5-7 p.m.
Come to the library for
Wii gaming. (First two Tuesdays of every month.)
Fall Clearance Night
Dayton High School Auditorium 6 p.m.
All middle school and
high school athletes participating in a fall sport should
be present, as well as their
parent or guardian.
Weight Loss Support
Waitsburg Clinic
5:30 p.m.
Optional weigh-in at 5:15
and an optional 30 minute
group walk following the
meeting at 6 p.m.
Dayton Senior Round
Senior Center (403 E.
Patit St.)
Tuesdays and Thursdays.
Meals are $4 for those over
60 and $7 for those under 60.
Enjoy a hot meal in a social
setting. Play pool, cards or
spend time visiting. Call
382-2836 to RSVP by the
day prior.
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