Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley

Jackson, Richter Advance

DAYTON - Republicans Merle Jackson and Dwight Richter will face off in November for the open District 3 position on Columbia County Board of Commissioners. In Tuesday's primary election, Richter, who wasn't on the ballot but filed as a write-in candidate last month, placed second in the balloting, beating Dain Nysoe, who filed as a Democrat. Jackson was the top vote-getter, receiving more than 50% of the votes cast.

Only voters in District 3 cast ballots for commissioner in the primary election. Preliminary results showed that Jackson received 235 votes, or 55.5% of the total. Richter received 121 write-in votes, which was 28.6%, and Nysoe received 67 votes, or 15.8%.

Jackson and Richter will appear on the ballot for all voters in the county in the general election, which is November 2. They are running for the position vacated by Commissioner Chuck Reeves, who is retiring.

Several other elected positions were open in Columbia County this year, but only one person filed for each position.


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