DAYTON - The Dayton City Council has scheduled a public hearing August 25 to take comments on the City's draft marijuana ordinance. The hearing will be held at 7 p.m. during the council's regular meeting at City Hall.
During their meeting Monday night, the council approved the first reading of the draft ordinance, but took no action.
According to City Planning Director Karen Scharer, members of the public are invited to make oral comments during the upcoming public hearing. Written comments are also invited. To be considered, written testimony must be received at City Hall no later than 4 p.m. on August 21.
Proposed Draft Ordinance No. 1863 can be viewed on the city's website at It is a revision to the city's zoning code, which incorporates regulation of both medical and recreation marijuana.
Under the proposed rules, marijuana retail stores will be listed as a permitted use in the central commercial and fringe commercial zones in Dayton. Marijuana producers and processors will be listed as a permitted use in the fringe commercial and industrial zones.
All recreational marijuana related businesses, however, will be subject to restrictions under state law. These include requiring that those businesses be located no closer than 1,000 feet from schools, playgrounds, recreational facilities, child care centers, public parks, transit centers or libraries.
Also under the proposed rules, medical cannabis collective gardens will be allowed as a permitted use in the agricultural/ residential (AR) zone. Medical cannabis dispensaries will be allowed as a conditional use in central and fringe commercial zones, and medical cannabis production and processing facilities and collective gardens will be allowed as a conditional use in fringe commercial zones and industrial zones.
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