WAITSBURG - The 14th annual WP Quarterback Club Golf Scramble and Barbeque will be held Sunday, August 24 at the Touchet Valley Golf Course in Dayton. The first players in the three-man bestball tournament will tee off at 9 a.m.
A barbeque dinner will be held in the golf course restaurant immediately after play completes. Proceeds from the tournament will go to support the WP football and basketball programs.
"This is the first time the golf scramble has been held in August," said WP football coach Jeff Bartlow. "Harvest should be over and we should be able to count on better weather than in June." Bartlow said that all 13 previous tournaments were held in early June, but that that date conflicted too much with spring sports and spring football practice.
Bartlow said that the tournament will be limited to 18 teams, and that 12 have signed up so far. "We're looking for more teams from Waitsburg or Dayton," he said.
The top three placing teams will win prizes, though they haven't yet been determined, according to Bartlow. Several door prizes will also be given away during the dinner.
The tournament entry fee is $25 per player. Greens fee of $19 is also required for non-golf club members.
The 18-hole tournament will be played in a best-ball format, with all three team members teeing off on each hole. At least one drive off the tee must be counted for each member.
Bartlow said that a favorite feature of the tournament will return this year: teams can purchase three mulligans for $10. "That's a favorite way for teams to improve their chances," he said. (For non-golfers, a "mulligan" is a do-over.)
The major sponsor of this year's tournament is McDonald Zaring Insurance in Walla Walla. 18 hole sponsors have also signed up.
"I want to thank everyone who has supported the golf scramble over the years," said Bartlow. "It's always a lot of fun."
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