Serving Waitsburg, Dayton and the Touchet Valley


Ten Years Ago

August 26, 2004

Life-long Waitsburg resident Randy Hinchliffe has been hired as the new City Clerk for the city of Waitsburg, announced Mayor Marty Dunn at the August 18 city council meeting. He will start in the position on August 30.

Republicans in the September 14 Primary Election race are incumbent David G. Carey, Walla Walla; Chuck Carruthers, Prescott; and Waitsburg native Rod Estes of Prescott. Democrat Jim Leid of Waitsburg awaits the top Republican finisher in the November 2 General Election.

Twenty-Five Years Ago

August 24, 1989

Waitsburg City Council discussed the upcoming sewer upgrade and possible action on getting the cannery property turned over by Smith Canning and Freezing in an August 16 meeting. Bill Zuger reported on a meeting with John Poston, Gray and Osborne, in which the water and sewer committee went over the suggestions from DOE.

The first organizational meeting for the Waitsburg Parent Cooperative Preschool will be held on Monday evening, Aug. 28 in Preston Hall from 7 to 8 p.m.

Fifty Years Ago

August 21, 1964

The Waitsburg school board has appointed Marvin Barnes to be the new janitor for the coming year. Ray Johnson has also been appointed bus driver and will have the Whetstone route formerly driven by Norma Wood. Johnson is a local barber.

Captain Frank E. Wood, son of Mr. and Mrs. Francis A. Wood of Rt. 2, Waitsburg, Wash., graduated from the U. S. Air Force's squadron Officer School at the Air University, Maxwell AFB, Ala., Friday (August 7).

Waitsburg stores will be closed on September 5, 6, and 7 for the Labor Day weekend.

The final Northwest Roping School rodeo for the 1964 season was held at Starbuck August 15 and 16. Local participants were Sherry and Kathy Donnelly. Sherry received a pair of leather braided reins for first place in the pole bending event with an average time of 21.9 seconds for both Saturday night and Sunday go-rounds.

Seventy-Five Years Ago

August 25, 1939

Strong aye for the completion at an early date of the Lolo Pass road of Lewis-Clark Highway was heard in Grangeville this week.

Miss Maxine McCown, daughter of County Commissioner and Mrs. W. M. McCown became the bride of Edward R. Hagwell Saturday.

The No No No Club met Friday with Mrs. Jessie Light followed by contract.

M. and Mrs. E. V. Mikkelsen left Tuesday for the fair at San Francisco going by way of Salt Lake.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack Clodius and Miss Laura Land and Paul Hofer Jr. are spending a few days up over the Canadian line near Nelson, B. C.

Kenneth Gohlman and his family expect to move this week from the Allen apartments to the W. C. Tuker residence on East Sixth Street.

One Hundred Years Ago

August 21, 1914

Last Thursday evening occurred the 107th threshing outfit fire in the fields of Whitman county. The farmers are almost in a panic over the many fires of this kind, and there are not enough machines left in the area to harvest the grain before winter. Although the cause is not certain, the fires are blamed on smut explosions due to improper ventilation.

Quite a large number of our people attended the circus in Walla Walla last Friday, going down on the morning train and coming back in the evening.

N. R. Hales, who has been at the Hales sheep camp in northern Idaho, is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Hales, in this city.

One Hundred Twenty-Five Years Ago

August 23, 1889

Bert Preston and Eph Smith will leave for Portland soon to enter the Bishop Scott Military Academy, having already obtained Scholarship in that excellent, educational institution.

The city authorities did a good thing when they had the gravel raked off Main Street. Teamsters can now drive through town with some comfort and the noise of passing teams is not so disturbing to those who live, or do business on either side of the street. And then the looks of it! Why, it is improved seven hundred per cent.

C. C. Crow and wife after a pleasant but very brief visit with old friends left on the 11:30 train today for Penewawa to visit friends there before returning to their home in Colfax.

Spring chickens are ripe?



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