Dear Editor,
I was disappointed and offended in the editorial written in the August 28 Times by Ken Graham entitled "10 Reasons I'm Glad I Don't Have to Go Back to School." In particular reason 8 - denigrating being in the band. As a music educator for 25 years I am compelled to write and "teach" The Times about the benefits of a music education.
Here are just a few of the facts-
Secondary students who participated in music reported the lowest lifetime and current use of all substances, (alcohol, tobacco, drug abuse).
Students with band and orchestra experience attend college at a rate twice the national average.
Music students outperform non-music students on achievement tests in reading and math. Skills such as reading, anticipating, memory, listening, forecasting, recall and concentration are developed in musical performance, and these skills are valuable to students in math, reading, and science.
Students with coursework/experience in music performance and music appreciation scored higher on the SAT: students in music performance scored 57 points higher on the verbal and 41 points higher on the math, and students in music appreciation scored 63 points higher on verbal and 44 points higher on the math, than did students with no arts participation.
It is my opinion after 25 years and counting in education that a sound music education paired with a sound general education gives students a distinct advantage over students that do not have access to music in their schools.
It is irresponsible to denigrate being in the band or any other music class. The beauty of music is in everyone's life and begins at home and school.
Please note that I am not speaking negatively about athletics, because any kind of activity that a student is involved in is a positive and adds to the quality of education and experience. Our students are all very different and come from varying backgrounds. It is our job to help kids find their "niche" be it football, basketball, track, band, choir or orchestra so that they can become the next generation's responsible adults. Roger Garcia Waitsburg, WA
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